Acting Governor of Darfur Region Meets Delegation of Representatives of Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The Darfur Regional Government held a long meeting this morning, headed by the Governor-designate of the region, Dr. Babiker Hamdeen, the Minister of Finance and Sustainable Development of the regional government, Dr. #Abdulaziz_Shado, and the Head of the Investment Department of the region. Maulana Yusuf Haggar, with a Russian delegation headed by the representative of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Russian businessmen, Mr. Viktor Chemodanov, and in the presence of the Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Sudan, Mr. Andrey Chernovol. The meeting discussed mutual economic relations between the two countries and investment opportunities for Russian companies specializing in various fields in the Darfur region.

The designated governor of the region, Dr. Babiker Hamdeen, said in statements to the press that the meeting discussed the economic and trade relations between Russia and Sudan, which are long-standing historical relations with different dimensions, especially in cultural and educational aspects. added that they focused on the trade and economic opportunities related to the Darfur region, where the investment needs of the region in the fields of infrastructure, mining, agriculture, roads, bridges, livestock were reviewed, and presented an investment map for the region that attracted interest. and promise of studies from the Russian side.

Hamdeen stressed the continuation, strengthening and development of these meetings towards understandings and agreements that serve the areas of investment and common commercial relations.

The head of the delegation and representative of the Russian Chamber of Commerce and Russian businessmen, Mr. Victor, expressed his pleasure in meeting the Sudanese and the good reception during this semi-official visit, stressing that the meeting with the Darfur government was fruitful and targeted, in which they talked about fundamental and important issues in Sudanese-Russian trade relations and sought ways to progress and help in investment affairs in the Darfur region, adding that a group of Russian investment companies will come to Sudan to contribute to our joint projects related to the Darfur region, and they will be among the main active parties that will provide great services in different regions of Darfur.

The Minister of Finance of the Darfur Regional Government, Dr. Abdulaziz Shado, spoke about the necessity of this meeting, which comes to strengthen the interconnected historical relations between the two countries, and will constitute tangible additions in the fields of investment, especially in the Darfur region, which needs joint work and cooperation to seize all investment opportunities, expressed his special thanks to the Russian delegation for its openness towards the investment cards linked to the regional government and its commitments to develop joint economic action.

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