Activating deterrent laws to return citizens' property – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayed

Anyone who follows the tragic situation left by the war, including murders, looting, robberies, rapes, systematic sabotage, genocide and other horrible crimes, regrets the situation the country finds itself in.
The war is now over and citizens will return home, but there is still one issue that the relevant authorities and the judicial and security agencies must pay attention to, namely the various stolen assets of citizens, which are innumerable, including but not limited to cars, gold jewelry, furniture, electrical appliances and other stolen assets. The relevant authorities must activate the laws related to theft, illicit wealth and the concealment of stolen money, some of which went to neighboring states and countries.
We hope that the security services will contribute to returning what can be returned to the stolen property of these citizens. This is the effort and sweat of years wasted by this militia, its mercenaries and the criminals who took them out of prisons and participated with them in this war for the reason of theft and looting.
This situation, once the war is over, will make other categories of criminals, who were drunkards and scum of society, extremely rich thanks to the stolen goods that they looted from homes in the absence of citizens, in addition to receiving and buying stolen goods. at low prices and selling them at high prices, which requires activating the law of forbidden wealth (where did you get that from) and rigor in providing documents proving ownership and how to obtain large sums of money. Suddenly, the family and neighbors all knew. each other's conditions before the war.
One of the happy news of the last few days is that the police and security forces have retained a large number of stolen items from thieves. We hope that such campaigns will continue until all stolen items are returned.
The state must also coordinate with neighboring countries to return loot that was deported there, such as vehicles, gold jewelry and other stolen items.