Addis Conference – Invitation from Ghandour with Al-Helou and Nour!! ✍️Bakri Al Madani

*Due to the form of the questions raised and the forms of participation, the Addis Founding Conference will not establish a stable and permanent situation for Sudan, despite the positive declarations which preceded it, in particular from Mr. Siddiq Al- Sadiq and Mrs. Maryam Al -Sadiq, since the former affirmed that they did not intend to exclude anyone – have you seen how, according to Hassan Ismail?! – Despite Maryam's loud confessions about past mistakes and mistakes in the frame!*

* Neither the form of the problems, nor the form of the participants, nor the good intentions will make the Founding Conference of Addis a solution to the problems of Sudan. The solution lies in the adoption of another conference in which all and all representatives of any group in Sudan will participate. participates, and among the groups is the group of the old regime and its representative, Professor Ibrahim Ghandour -!!*

*A conference of Juba movements, eastern groups, central and northern entities and Al-Hilu, Nour and Ghandour political parties. We only want these and their conference hoped to grant the Sudanese. regions their right to govern and enrich themselves on their lands, and the right of these same regions to form the sovereign center which represents them and which suits Sudan!!*

*If the founding conference in Addis can only adopt a call for a comprehensive dialogue for all Sudanese and discuss issues of power and wealth and their appropriate and equitable division among Sudanese, it will have achieved a breakthrough decisive. ends as it began with revolutionary songs and personal declarations, then the situation will remain where it is until the day when the representatives of the regions impose themselves on events and people!!*.

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