Adult Education in Times of Crisis: An Investment in the Future – Something for the Country – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

On the occasion of International Literacy Day, we cannot but emphasize the importance of continuing education, especially for older people, and especially in light of the exceptional circumstances that the world is witnessing in wars, crises and natural disasters. In the midst of these rapid events, the role of education is highlighted as an effective tool to face the challenges facing this age group, achieve their integration into society and help them overcome the psychological and social traumas they may suffer.

Egypt has recently experienced the influx of a large number of Sudanese refugees, as well as elderly people fleeing the scourge of war. This major humanitarian crisis highlights the urgent need for educational programs dedicated to elderly refugees, for several reasons, including societal integration. Educational programs help older people become familiar with the customs, traditions, and laws in Egyptian society, which facilitates their integration process and. reduces feelings of alienation and isolation, in addition to… Psychological improvement through participation in educational activities, older people feel that they are an integral part of society, which increases their self-confidence and reduces feelings of hopelessness and frustration, and prepares them for the labor market for older people who wish to return to the labor market once the situation has stabilized, and education programs help them acquire… The skills needed to take on new jobs, from protection against exploitation to providing older people with information and knowledge, can protect them from exploitation and deception and help them make the right decisions.

The importance of education for older people in times of crisis is to adapt to changes. Education helps older people adapt to the rapid changes occurring in society, adapt to new circumstances, and improve their psychological health by participating in educational activities. and satisfied, which makes them happy and satisfied. This improves their mental health and reduces the risk of age-related diseases, in addition to building more resilient societies. By educating older people, we contribute to building more resilient and capable societies. to face challenges.

In the era of massive technological development, we cannot ignore the importance of equipping older people with basic digital skills. Technology has become an integral part of our daily lives and represents an effective means of communicating and obtaining information and services. This can be achieved through simplified educational programs, offering educational programs specially designed for older people, using simple and clear language and based on practical examples, and by developing personalized applications by developing easy-to-use applications that help older people communicate with their family and friends, and obtain health and social information.

Reading and writing are still among the most important skills that an individual must have, as they represent the basis of personal and cognitive development. Through adult education programs, it is possible to improve memory, and reading and writing help to improve memory and concentration and broaden horizons. Reading helps to broaden horizons of knowledge and acquire new information in various fields, in addition to improving social communication. help improve social communication skills and express thoughts and feelings.

Adult education in times of crisis is not just a luxury, but an investment in the future. By providing older people with access to education and knowledge, we contribute to building fairer and more equal societies and guarantee them a decent life.

Let us all work together to provide a supportive learning environment for older adults, enabling them to achieve their full potential.

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