Advisor and Representative of the Governor of the Northern State, Executive Director of Dalqo Locality and Qatari Red Crescent Launch Distribution of Tents to People Affected by Floods and Rains in Koya Region

Today, the inauguration was inaugurated by the Advisor and Representative of the Governor of the Northern State and Supervisor of Emergency Situations in the locality of Dalgu, General Kamal Musa, the Executive Director of the locality of Dalgu, Professor Mudassir Sharaf al-Din, and the Director of the Sudanese Red Crescent of Qatar, Dr. Salah al-Din al-Daak, in the presence of the Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid, Dr. Abdel-Rahman Ali Khairy, and the Director of Social Affairs, Ms. Manal Makkawi, representatives of the Ministry of Health, the Sudanese Red Crescent and the administrative officials of the locality inaugurated the distribution of tents and winter blankets to the disaster-stricken people, under the generous sponsorship of the Sudanese Red Crescent of Qatar, in addition to an inspection visit to the houses destroyed by the torrents and rains in the Koya region.

For his part, the director of the Qatari Red Crescent office in Sudan said that the purpose of the visit is to see the damage on the ground, and that the disaster is great in all cities and regions of Sudan, and through the concerted efforts of everyone, this will be addressed and aid will be provided to the most affected, indicating that he consulted with the governor's advisor and the executive director of the local Ministry of Social Affairs and Humanitarian Aid on how to provide aid, indicating that. a basket will be sent soon to complement the reconstruction phase in the region, promising the participation of the Qatari Crescent-Sudan.

At the end of Haditha, he expressed his thanks to the state government, the executive director of Dalqo locality and the people of the area.

For his part, the representative and advisor to the governor of the northern state said that the Qatari government stands with the Sudanese people in the darkest circumstances, starting with the war and then the economic crisis, supporting Sudan with a significant amount of hard currency. in addition to the torrents and rains, he expressed his thanks for the efforts of the government, the people and the Qatari ambassador to Sudan for the rapid response to the crises by establishing an airlift with more than twenty-nine trips to the different cities of Sudan that were affected by the torrents and rains, and that the share of the northern state began with Meroe in the Tangasi region and today in the Koya region, which he considers a model for the rest of the affected areas of the state, praising the efforts of the brotherly state of Qatar, the Qatar Red Crescent and the Qatar Charity Organization, hoping for great support from them in the coming days. The successive visits to the affected areas aim to provide support in food, medical supplies and spray pumps. At the end of his speech, he expressed the efforts of the executive directors, and there must be coordination and solidarity with the organizations.

For his part, the executive director of Dalqo locality said that the Koya region has been chosen as a model for the rest of the regions to determine the damage caused by the floods, promising to plan a model village away from the flood channels and calling on citizens to stop building in the flood channels and that food aid and shelters will continue to be provided to the affected areas until the reconstruction phase. He called on the Qatari government to participate in the reconstruction of the region.

At the end of his speech, he expressed his thanks for the efforts of the people of Koya region, the Director of the Sudanese Red Crescent office in Qatar, Dr. Salah al-Din al-Daak, and the brotherly state of Qatar for their united support to Sudan in the crises.

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