African Union: A new look at corruption ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


He remains silent on all crimes of the Janjaweed and takes serious measures to condemn our armed forces…

When will the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intervene to save the prestige, dignity and pride of the Sudanese people???!!!

++ The African Union has remained far from its main objective of protecting the sovereignty, territorial integrity and independence of the State of Sudan, protecting its position in international forums and strengthening its peace, security and its stability, while it is exposed to the worst risks. dangerous and ferocious conspiracy planned by the Zionist state of the Emirates, which brought the Arabs of the diaspora and those who go to prison to commit the most heinous crimes of genocide, murder and pillage against a people. He was defenseless and peaceful. He did not attack anyone and did not commit anything that could justify these brutal crimes and atrocities committed against him…

++ The African Union has remained silent on all these atrocities committed by the foreign Janjaweed militias against our honorable people and has not moved a finger…

++ Silence on the thousands of crimes committed by the Janjaweed militia in Sudan: Silence on the crimes of genocide of the Masalit tribe, silence on the displacement of innocent citizens from their homes, silence on the bombing of small, safe and reassuring villages on the island, and silence on the children's families and not releasing them until a multi-billion ransom is paid. Books and silence on the killing of the prisoners after all the atrocities were committed against them, and silence on the torture of the heroic prisoner Muhammad Siddiq. , who became a martyr after beating, insulting and shooting him… Yes, silence on all these brazen crimes committed by this criminal and terrorist militia only because its leaders are corrupt and have sworn to work as an obedient servant for the people. State of the United Arab Emirates in exchange for a few dirhams, even if it means the death of thousands of men, women and children of the Sudanese people, even if it means the destruction of the infrastructure of Sudan, a country of security, security and prosperity. , and stability…

++ Over the past month we haven't heard a whisper or murmur from this dead union until today when it suddenly awoke to announce to the public that something big is happening. was produced in Sudan, which required his intervention ((Imagine))!!!!

++ Here is the Peace and Security Council of the African Union waking up from its (heavy) sleep to ask the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights to carry out an urgent investigation into the situation of human rights in the city of El Fasher. ((i.e. by God Almighty)) 00

++ Yes, this despicable council was blinded by the savage Janjaweed who stormed hospital operating theaters and prevented operations. He was blinded by the savage Janjaweed who invaded the Omdurman Midwifery Hospital and expelled pregnant women from there or hid behind their backs. He was blinded by his savages exploiting the incubators of premature babies. And the newborns found shelter out of fear of death. His foresight was blinded by the bombing of civilians by these humiliating dogs in Omdurman, Nyala, Bahri, Al-Jazeera, the region. Nil, Al-Faw, Kordofan and Al-Jili… His clairvoyance was blinded by seeing the Janjaweed marches bombing a collective breakfast organized in a market, and his clairvoyance was blinded by seeing the marches fall on a bus transport. were martyred and he was blinded to see that the villages and neighborhoods of El Fasher had become empty due to the mass exodus movement, for fear that the Janjawid would target certain villages and not others for regional reasons , racist and tribal. ..

He did not see or witness all these crimes because he only wanted to see what the small state saw…

++ The small state of the Zionist Emirates saw that attempts to overthrow El Fasher had failed because there were strongholds of our valiant forces that remained steadfast and strong. This steadfastness must be broken by decisions that restrict the air force and heavy artillery so that the militia can be empowered. invade El Fasher then declare a mini-state ((Al Dagalo)) In Darfur and in its capital, El Fasher himself…

++ A farcical play in which pure and pure men are unacceptable to play the main role. Therefore, there was no better option than for the UAE to offer a tempting bribe to the disgraced African Union, knowing with certainty that they would. are good at playing such corrupt, insignificant and despicable roles which are like their filth…

++ It is enough for all our regular forces that they continue to fight the battle of dignity and pride with rare courage, captivating pride and great pride, by being kind to innocent citizens, by fearing the baths of blood and refusing to be killed or lynched. have protected themselves by established traditions, dissuasive laws and observed covenants, and before that, the fear of slipping before a God who refuses injustice and oppression, the most compassionate Companion of his servants…

++ He is the only one who preserves and protects it from destruction by the Al-Jili refinery, the sports city, the United Nations offices on the street of the heroic martyr Obaid Khatam and some universities. The best testimony to this is its long duration. patience with the radio and television buildings, the Republican Palace and all the hospitals, which are all public establishments that he refused to bomb for fear of being destroyed. He has prisoners or civilians that he feels he has the right to insure. security…

++ We know for sure that this decision was prepared in advance to condemn our armed forces in order to intimidate their leaders and bring them to their knees, but I believe that the time for fear is over and they cannot nothing to fear anymore. , especially since the Burhan government has taken a bold step in making Russia a strategic ally, a step that requires neither delay nor hesitation.

++ When will the Ministry of Foreign Affairs wake up from its delicious numbness and follow these developments??!! When does a citizen feel that there is a ministry that expresses his dignity, his pride and the sovereignty of his State? When will the Minister of Foreign Affairs get angry if he is not irritated by this decision of the African Peace and Security Council??!!

++ I am certain that if this minister had been invited by this despicable council to go to El Fasher, he would have accepted without the slightest hesitation, if he had not already expressed his joy at this decision!!!

we belong to God and it is to him we return

Omar Capo

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