After the withdrawal and defeat of the militias, the countries supporting the rebellion resorted to alternative methods to implement their agenda – the latest treatment – ✍️ Khaled Fadl Al-Sayyid

After the armed forces decided on the battle on the ground and the militias withdrew and victory became within reach, we have noticed in recent days the multiplicity of delegations visiting the country, especially from the parties that played a vital role in supporting this militia militarily and medially, and this inconsistency and the purpose of these sudden visits are not hidden from those who know the inside of things.

We know very well that the UAE and the countries supporting the rebellion were finally convinced of the futility of supporting the rebellion, so they resorted to alternative methods to achieve their goals and agenda diplomatically after the major defeat suffered by the militias and mercenaries on the ground.

We are truly astonished by the phone call that continued to be repeated by the internal and external media, claiming that the President of the United Arab Emirates shamelessly called the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, as stated in the statement. the news that she was coming with the aim of stopping the war and providing humanitarian aid to the Sudanese people. This speech astonishes us to the point of astonishment and is not under our control. so have fun). How could these people imagine that the Sudanese people would forget what they did to Sudan and its people?

The UAE's continued military and media support for the rebels and mercenaries can, to say the least, be described as barbaric, immoral and unworthy of a Muslim Arab country that is financing this systematic war that has led to the destruction of Sudan and its infrastructure, raped its women, displaced its families and stolen their property, making them refugees in their homeland. The role you are playing now in trying to bring water back to normal with as much ease as they imagine is considered a role of contempt for the minds, and we tell them that the reality is that any rapprochement with you without knowing the sanction of your action is a loss of rights and an evasion of the responsibility to bear the consequences after the end of the war.

The people are following with concern and apprehension the call made by the Emirates to know the end of it. This concerns all Sudanese, because they are the ones who suffered from the fires of this war and who bore the burden and the painful consequences that no one can imagine.

The maneuvers that the United Arab Emirates are currently carrying out with regard to Sudan make us say that we now have a file with you before the UN Security Council, the results of which we do not yet know, so that we can open the door to dialogue.

What the countries supporting the rebellion are currently looking for in terms of maneuvers with the government after the withdrawal of the rebellion and its defeat on the battlefields at the hands of the Sudanese forces may have alternative plans that include maintaining these rebel forces so that they do not disappear. and be completely annihilated. They want to gather them in a specific place, and the next step will be for the international community to provide them with protection, food and drink through the international organizations that take care of them after agreeing on this point. the most important step, which is the integration of these forces into the army or any other program with international support that will make them return to their previous form of military force to implement the plan through an international program that will be organized, and thus the souls of the martyrs will be gone. Their waste and defeat on the ground have turned into victory through dialogue and diplomacy, and God is the wrath of evil.

These explosive dialogues, behind which the countries that support the militias are panting, serve above all the agenda of the rebellion and not the nation or the armed forces and the citizens, as they claim, they want to shamelessly gain a foothold in the next government formation and forget their dirty actions against the nation and the citizen, which are incompatible with religion, morality and values, as well as international conventions and human rights, what they could not achieve by arms and on the ground, they want to achieve through negotiation. and dialogue.

The solution at this point lies in the defeat and military resolution of this rebel militia, removing it from existence and not giving it another opportunity to return to the scene. What was taken by force can only be regained by force. people are now standing in a trench with the armed forces to resolve this rebellion and follow these victories while applauding and growing.

The military victories won these days by the armed forces, security forces, general intelligence, police forces, special action forces, popular resistance, Mustafarin, joint forces and the retreats of the regular forces with their different names in the face of the rebel forces of the Rapid Support Militia and their mercenaries in various regions and axes, reflected the extent of fear and annoyance of the countries that support them and their political supporters who want to return to power at the expense of the skulls of the citizens.

These victories

What was achieved pushed the circles and countries that support the rebellion to seriously think about alternative plans to save this militia from extinction after the loss of most of its influential leaders on the ground and to try to find a home for it. trick of trapped dialogues and negotiations and try to bridge the gap and find solutions to save them from this difficult situation, especially after the matter reached the Security Council and evidence and proofs were presented confirming the involvement of the United Arab Emirates in this conspiracy against the country. and its people. There are other fundamental reasons that prompted the countries supporting the rebellion to act diplomatically to end the fighting and try to bridge the gap in order to return to hegemony over the country after the emergence of Russia, China and Iran at the forefront and their cooperation with Sudan, which caused confusion and caused the United States to reconsider its calculations in trying to stop the rebellion and appear worried about the future of Sudan and to try to prevent any cooperation with these countries, especially after the new international alliances between Russia and China, Iran and North Korea came to the surface.

The use of dialogue and understanding is today a source of surprise and doubt, especially since this initiative comes at a time when the armed forces are advancing in the various theaters of operations. The falsehood of this initiative has been revealed, which corresponds to the desired goal: to stop these victories and to give the rebel forces the opportunity to catch their breath and regroup after the assassination of the rebel leaders and mercenaries that I lost in combat.

We hope from the Supreme Command of the Armed Forces

Do not listen to these calls and resolve the rebellion militarily in light of the advancement of the armed forces on the ground and continue to fight vigorously to defeat and resolve this rebellion once and for all and not give it a chance to catch its breath.

We are not supporters of war, but this militia and its supporters and what they have done to Sudan and its people do not even deserve the idea of ​​sitting next to them. They are criminals, murderers and bloodshed who listen to their flimsy justifications. and implementing their agenda is a legal crime, because it is considered a betrayal of the homeland, the people, the armed forces and the martyrs who shed their blood in these victories.

One last point:

When we listened to one of the activist lawyers defending the rights of Sudan and following up on its complaint to the UN Security Council, we were surprised and astonished by his speech that the Sudanese government had not filed a complaint against the United Arab Emirates before the Hague Criminal Court. which is the court specializing in crimes committed by States. This leads us to question the delay and failure of the competent authorities to submit this complaint until it takes place in the stages of litigation. context, namely the complaint filed by Sudan with the Security Council against the leaders of the rebel militia Rapid Support to convict and try them for war crimes. They are now among the dead, after the evolution of the fighting, and were murdered. in the fields. The fighting and what is left of it, and until the case is lost in the corridors of the UN Security Council, they will be liquidated, and thus the complaint of Sudan will be about the dead, and it will be automatically dropped. and canceled. And so that the complaint is not lost because of the intelligence work, we hope that the judicial authorities will follow up and raise the complaint so that it is amended so that it is directed against the leaders of the militia and the countries that support and finance it militarily and in the media. So that all participants are under the penalty of the law and no one escapes it.

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