Against popular resistance – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, lawyer

Ayman Al-Zein of River Nile State said…

I have a weapon, I trained with it

To defend the land and the honor of my region…

We expect the worst. We will defend firmly.

Against rebellion, either martyrdom or victory…

It was in the contract that the time was regular

After calling for the activation of popular resistance…

Ayman was afraid of repeating the civilian scenario.

Its bitter repercussions in villages and urban areas…

Al-Burhan, last January, strongly supported the idea…

Confirm it in Jabit base without any confusion…

The rebel Hemedti threatened, foamed and thundered, saying

I gave the order to pursue Mustafarin…

(Progress) She said that popular resistance leads

For the civil war…

The country is heading towards a holocaust that leaves nothing behind…

She said her ideas were racist, Safavid and jihadist.

linked to terrorism…

It constitutes a gateway for terrorist groups

He got a foothold and we're back to square one…

Resistance is an urgent necessity in these circumstances…

This has a positive impact and its results are clear…

The charge to mobilize society aims to use…

Citizens as shields against outright lies…

And military targets to protect the army from lies…

The resistance was built and supported by the sons of Khalsa…

Without political affiliation, those who are part of it unite under

The flag of the homeland…

They refused to mix resistance and politics.

Regarding their confidence in the leadership of the army…

History has highlighted the most striking manifestations of popular resistance…

Through publicity, attribution and concealment…

Coming to the army to support the army…

Great leaders have emerged who have led their countries…

The fact that the citizen supports the army is logical…

Because it pushes for violations, the enemy rejects the logic of…

Somalia led the resistance against Al-Shabaab.

What is causing the movement to lose its influence, power and territory…

Tribal leaders and youth fought alongside the army…

To withdraw from resistance, empower it and strengthen it…

We paid a heavy price for it across the country…

Murder, looting, theft, rape, displacement…

The fear of training and arming him is clearly a mistake…

Because it eases the burden on the army in the regions

What does not exist…

Those who speak of treason, of terrorism

The repercussions of the post-war…

They are plotting, they want us to blow our noses…

They claim to have an idea of ​​the truth…

Her cheeks are grumpy and dull, very imperfect…

After the war ended, he would collect the legalized weapons.

But what is not regulated is legalized or confiscated…

Let us take history as a guide for us today…

These are not stories that are finished, their brilliance has accompanied them.

Rather, we invite him to reflect, contemplate and consider…

In Vietnam, there are poor and simple people who turn their noses up at America…

The splendor of the People's Army entering Saigon…

The resistance entered with him, side by side…

The emotions were really mixed with blood and tears…

The cheers were mixed with joy tinged with victory…

And sadness over the loss of comrades, destruction and death…

Loosen the reins of popular resistance to support

The army stops the bleeding.

Enter with him into the capital and the rest of the cities…

Amidst the howls of mothers, the prayers of fathers

And enlarge and applaud the youth…

A chant looms on the horizon: “The bastards sold blood”…

They sold it, distorted their passports, and yam

Some of their sponsors and masters…

To tell them that we won and their sale is lost…

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