Agricultural Integration between Sudan and Egypt: Towards a Promising Agricultural Future – Something for the Homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Agricultural integration between Sudan and Egypt is a vital axis in the bilateral relations between the two brotherly countries and represents an essential pillar to achieve food security and sustainable development for both countries. This integration is not only an exchange of agricultural products, but rather a comprehensive cooperation that includes the exchange of experiences and technologies, joint investments and human capacity building.

The importance of agricultural integration is represented in national food security. Agricultural integration contributes to improving the food security of both countries, by diversifying food sources and increasing productivity, which reduces dependence on imports, protects against fluctuations in world markets and allows optimal use of resources. Agricultural integration provides an ideal opportunity to benefit from the natural resources available in both countries, such as agricultural land, water and skilled human resources, thus obtaining the maximum economic and social benefits, agricultural integration helps create new employment opportunities for young people working in the agricultural sector and related industries, which helps reduce unemployment and improve living standards, and represents agricultural integration is the cornerstone of building comprehensive economic cooperation between the two countries, including other areas such as industry, trade and tourism. two countries can increase their exports of high-quality agricultural products to world markets, which helps increase national income and provide hard currency.

Potential aspects of cooperation include the exchange of modern agricultural technologies. The two countries can exchange the latest agricultural technologies, such as drip irrigation, protected agriculture and the use of organic fertilizers, which helps to increase productivity and improve product quality, while developing agriculture. Investments can be made in the development of agricultural infrastructure, such as irrigation and sanitation networks, as well as in the storage and packaging of products, which improve the efficiency of production and marketing, in addition to strengthening human capacities. Experience and skills can be exchanged between farmers and technicians from both countries, by organizing training courses and educational programs, which helps to raise the level of awareness about agriculture and improve productivity. Joint ventures can be established between the public and private sectors of both countries, to invest in large agricultural projects, such as. cultivate strategic crops and manufacture agricultural products, and researchers from the two countries can cooperate in agricultural research and development, to develop new crop varieties, resist pests and diseases, and adapt to climate change.

The challenges and solutions are water shortages. Both countries suffer from water shortages, which requires the adoption of modern and efficient irrigation methods and the encouragement of crops that require less water. A large portion of agricultural land in both countries is suffering from deterioration, which requires. the application of sustainable agricultural methods to preserve soil fertility, climate change is negatively affecting agriculture in both countries, which requires the development of adaptation strategies to these changes, such as the cultivation of drought- and heat-resistant crops. prices of agricultural products, which requires the development of more efficient supply chains and better marketing of products.

Agricultural integration between Egypt and Sudan represents a historic opportunity to achieve sustainable development in both countries and strengthen bilateral relations between the two brotherly peoples. Through joint cooperation and the exchange of experiences and technologies, the two countries can achieve food security, create employment opportunities and improve the living standards of citizens.

Existing bilateral agreements between the two countries in the agricultural field should be activated and new agreements should be concluded to strengthen cooperation. A joint investment fund can be established to support agricultural projects in both countries. such as modern irrigation systems, silos and product packaging, with training. Agricultural cadres from both countries are familiar with the latest agricultural technologies and encourage the private sector to invest in agricultural projects, providing necessary incentives and facilities.

Agricultural integration between Sudan and Egypt is not just an economic project, but rather a civilizational project that aims to build a bright future for the two brotherly peoples.

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