Aisha Al-Majidi writes ✍️ Clinical death (Taqaddam Conference)

Gentlemen progressives who are present in the rooms of Addis Ababa and who present themselves as the guardians of the oppressed Sudanese people, let us discuss with logic.

Firstly, in principle, this movement should have taken place in Greater Sudan… the safe states for it to be in line with your slogan (dialogue with our people) or almost!!

Someone responded to my question with an answer: We have received arrest warrants issued against us by the government of Sudan, so how can you demand that the conference take place in Sudan?

I answer you, you, a progressive and understanding person, that when you come to your country, Sudan, and you have courage and you present yourself to justice, then you will come out without a crime, if you are not found guilty here, then you will be embarrassed. the government of Sudan, and you will find unprecedented support from the Sudanese people behind you, and you will have won the land and the public after that (Al-Qun) Baji needs a passionate player!!!.. and then. organize your conferences in any safe place of your choice!!!.. but stay in one country and organize a conference for (600) people and live in one of the most expensive hotels in Addis Ababa and call in front of the hotel lobby to organize a meal. Meals are choice at higher value locations and they renew the stay of all guests, so I have this particular flaw!!!!

The microscopic question remains: who paid the price of all these plane tickets for (600) people?

Who paid the incentives and hotel rent?

And the real question

Is this paid cost considered under the rubric (work and livelihood) and haven't the progressives worked hard to come up with a new name at the same time they are changing their allocation due to the large number of paid speaking engagements?

Gentlemen progressives, when Professor Rasha Awad went on the air with us, she said with embarrassment to the Sudanese people: We are paid by the organizations! He was broken and defeated, and the dignity of the people was lost when she made her statement and told him that the progressives were working on the principle of mercenary labor in the name of people's democracy (sim sim militia), but that the militia steals from inside Sudan in the name of democracy and the progressives take money from organizations outside Sudan and it is all mercenary.

Was the meeting that took place authorized by the Sudanese people? ..Who authorized you?!

Do the women present at the Taqaddam conference represent the raped and displaced women on the island?

Does this woman represent Miram Darfour, who was sold into slavery by the Janjaweed in Niger?!

Does this progressive woman represent the woman expelled and raped from Khartoum?

The women present at Lammat Taqaddam represent themselves and may represent some of their women's organizations, but they certainly do not represent the patient, steadfast and empowered women of Sudan!

and finally

You are looking for democracy. Why did you silence the farmers' representative when he attacked your conference and told the truth and said that Rapid Support had violated Al-Jazeera and violated the different states of Sudan. You would have let the man speak like one. as long as he was the only one with a clear conscience in your dead conference!

Regardless, the progress conference fully conveyed its message to the outside world and inside Sudan.

Your speaker said this on satellite channels

Rapid Support is responsible for violations and destruction in Sudan.

Thank you, Advance Conference. You served the army and the rest of the security services without realizing it, and you handed the outside world a clear card of condemnation of the Janjaweed.

(The Janjaweed are working hard to organize shameless conferences that will foot the bill by criminalizing rapid support.)

May God grant victory to the army, the country's safety valve.

And that's enough.

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