Al-Attar will not repair what progress has ruined – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, the lawyer

Lying is our belief, the start of fraud…

The sun rises, freedom, peace and justice…

People dream of mirages when they are awake…

The earth will grow wheat, a promise and a wish…

The reality is different, and the revolution flies…

Dreams become noise that disturbs and disturbs…

It will be a horrible nightmare…

There is a big gap between reality and dreams…

Revolutionaries chanted their slogans recently in France

the French Revolution…

Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity…

We chanted for freedom, peace and justice…

The days passed and the slogans did not come true…

It was the answer to everything…

Scattered by the wind where no one knows…

He doesn't understand, doesn't ask or respond to anyone…

The question is expensive, the answer has a bitter taste…

Brilliant slogans hid frightening facts…

Eight years later, something happened…

Thousands of French people were killed in cold blood…

Bodies thrown on the side of the road…

The bourgeoisie returned through a half-open door…

The revolution was led by those who had no connection with the revolution…

They turned it from a means to a terrible end…

They gave him false magical qualities…

Firmly silence the tongues of compassionate revolutionaries…

It turned into a big stick that he waved at them…

The revolution does not belong to the one who starts it…

It belongs to the one who brings it to him like loot…

Those who stole it hid their ugly faces…

Behind slogans eclipsed by lies…

They put robes on him according to his size and whispered amulets…

They set limits that must not be crossed…

If the ministers are weak, we must say (competent)…

Any other speech against the revolution, even if it is true…

It is not allowed to criticize even if the situation gets worse…

They must swear that it is the wrath of God, so be patient…

If they disagree and divide, it's the year of life…

If faces are changing, why rush?

They sowed despair, pain and fear.

They removed the head, let the limbs move…

The snake with its many heads is terrifying…

If we cut the head off another ruined back…

The revolution did not realize its slogans, so it changed

From a means to an end…

The master of quotas, plots and schemes…

We harvested sour grapes, then balsam, then mirage…

They hijacked the revolution and used it for their own agendas…

This question is forbidden and its answer is expensive…

He who does not learn will meet the same fate…

Each bank sharpens the edge of its sword with malice…

We were struck by the illusion of moving clouds and by an illusion

The revolution has achieved its goals…

Maryam Al-Sadiq, as she was called, Al-Mansoura…

She admitted in an interview on Al Jazeera that she said…

Transparency was absent and everything was kept in the basements…

They reduced power to certain people…

If I could go back in time, I would correct the mistakes…

The book of history is one and its events do not repeat themselves…

He who reads history and does not consider it will not return to it

Days, even if it's just for a moment…

It becomes history, added to its pages

And he sings: They have wronged me…

What we have lost is a lot and what we have lost is painful…

What we paid for their mistakes would have brought them back

Days will not restore him…

The perfumer won't repair what this idiot has ruined…

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