Al-Atta's statements… two months ago – behind the news – ✍️ Muhammad Wadaa

*The Bank of Sudan, the Attorney General, the judiciary, the media and the militias worked to control it, interfere in its work and appoint its leaders*

*The public prosecutor of this government cannot manage the affairs of the public prosecutor from his hospital bed for more than three months*

*Is there a Chief Justice and Justices of the Supreme Court who hold office?*

*How can a government that has been waging a war for a year not have a minister of information and an official spokesperson*

*It is not logical that Lieutenant General Yasser Al-Atta's statements are blown away by the wind*

*We are waiting… for explanations, details, justifications, but silence is harmful and frustrates public opinion*

During a Ramadan iftar on April 1, 2024, at the Wadi Sidna military base in Omdurman, in the presence of military leaders, the governor of Khartoum state and the director of the General Intelligence Service, with the participation of leaders politicians and community and civil figures. , said Lieutenant General Yasser Al-Atta: “The Janjaweed are still present in the Ministry of Culture and Information and the Representative's Office, in the public and in the judiciary, and the Bank of Sudan has become the central bank of Dagalo. » family, the Janjaweed and their thugs are in the ranks of the state, in the banks and in the state agencies), it goes without saying that Al-Atta has not spoken to his relatives. He was talking about the state apparatus, and it was not part of a tactical framework, perhaps he intended to raise morale, the speech was part of a set of determinants that must be respected to achieve victory over the rapid support militia. credibility thanks to the extensive evidence of the poor performance of the facilities and agencies included in the speech, and perhaps the collusion of militia loyalists.

Experts and public opinion have paid attention to the reasons for the shortcomings in the performance of the Bank of Sudan, the Attorney General, the judiciary and the media. These are important positions, and from the start, the Rapid Support Militia worked to infiltrate. and controlling them, interfering in their work and appointing their leaders, including some commercial banks, government corporations and embassies, Hemedti appointed ministers and governors who owed him loyalty, some of whom remained in office for many months after the militia rebellion. in addition to Hemedti's control over the peace file and the economic committee.

We understand, or we do not understand, that there is a conviction that the conduct of battles is a military matter, and it is an inherent right, responsibility and duty of the armed forces, and no one disputes their right to do so. , except the arrogant or the objective, and it is their responsibility to determine the conduct of the military operation in accordance with what was planned, which includes the management of the resources available to it to serve the war effort.

What we do not understand, and we must understand, is what is linked to the administration of the state, and this is something with which no one objects to the fact that it completes a military action and provides the reasons for its success. country that has been waging a brutal war for a year for not having a minister of information and an official spokesperson for its government, nor being able to manage the affairs of the public prosecutor's office from his hospital bed for more than three months. More importantly, is there a Chief Justice and Supreme Court justices doing their jobs?

It is not logical that Al-Atta's statements are brushed aside. There are two possibilities. The first is that these statements touch on a known reality, which must be addressed immediately, or that they are unsuccessful. reassure public opinion about this result. It is not correct to consider it a passing affair. Some of these sites fall under the responsibility of the Council of Ministers and some fall under the responsibility of the Sovereignty Council.

We are waiting… for explanations, clarifications, justifications, but silence is harmful and frustrates public opinion.

June 8, 2024 AD

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