Al-Azz: The protective shield of the citizen of the North against high prices ✍️ Mr. Abdel Wahab's column

In the name of God the Merciful

✍️ Deputy Police Department, Mr. Abdul Wahab's Pension

The recent waves in supply chains and fluctuations in global prices have caused a rise in global inflation in an unprecedented manner, which was reflected in the high prices of food commodities, given the independence of some traders in the face of these fluctuations from the monopoly of goods and the crazy increase in prices, which negatively affected the livelihoods of individuals and the lack of purchasing power of the most vulnerable citizens and those with limited incomes, and this is where the role of the Northern State government came in achieving relative stability in the markets. and taking measures to control it, including the decision issued by the Director General of the Ministry of Finance and Manpower in charge of the Northern State, Mr. Abdullah Muhammad Othman, in which it was stated that a committee had been formed to review and monitor the markets in the state. Specialists, masked police officers and security personnel, to review product invoices from companies, wholesalers and retailers, review price tags, inspect product stores, implement internal business controls and other orders, even if the decision is made. a little late, but better late than never. Brother Abdullah Muhammad Othman, as it is pleasant to call him (Balaz), is a man of choice, known for his good morals and strong personality, and a seasoned administrator who is not. even an encyclopedia in economic works, and it is full of them. The Northern State appreciated him after its separation from the Northern Mother Region in the early nineties of the last century, because he knows where to eat the shoulder. optimistic that his decision will bring relief and peace to the citizens under his close supervision

Bargaining is a profession based on principles and values, and the Muslim trader is neither greedy nor selfish. In the previous period, there was only talk of rising prices and the problem of high prices, which became a major concern. , and inflation rates are what contributed to this insane rise. Therefore, the consumer law and laws that preserve the rights of citizens must be activated.

We also count on all citizens to support the committee in its work by providing everything necessary to implement the decision in the required manner.

We ask God for kindness in worship

Victory to our armed, police and mobilized forces, and mercy to the martyrs and return to the missing

Nasr of God and upcoming opening

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