Al-Bishi's negative mentality – it's no secret – ✍️ Ahmed Babakir Al-Makabrabi

I listened to an audio clip from one of the rebels called Al-Bishi, who is still disconnected from the truth, and he supports the Janjaweed militias. In my opinion, he is (one of the fallen) the honorable sons of the Janjaweed militias. The Blue Nile which carried out the plan which targets Sudan and its honorable people, without distinction of one tribe or another, or one ethnic group compared to the other.

Rather, it targets all of Sudan, north and south, east and west. This person, Al-Bishi, claims to fight the State 56. He makes this speech unconsciously and without realizing it because, as I mentioned, he is absent or absent. deceptive, and he tries in vain to convince others that the war currently raging in Sudan, the main objective is to destroy the State 56, and he means that this undefined person is trying to divide between the inhabitants of a country, while he pours the pot of hatred and fanning the flames of conflicts between the people of the same country, this person in question always tries to separate himself as much as possible to please his masters in the evil countries which are hostile to the Sudanese people without distinction and in all directions. , As I mentioned earlier.

This idiot has driven a wedge between the northern tribes and described them as the indigo ribbon, a common tone these days among idiots like him.

And those who are absent from the truth, and in his own words, he ranks as part of the enlightened class of the inhabitants of the Blue Nile, and he is at the forefront of the Blue Nile.

In fact, the honorable sons of the Blue Nile live among their people in the north, living dearly and honorably in love and compassion, regardless of their division into clan or tribe, and each of them leads his life without any obstacle as if they were in their own blue region, and the record owner knows it, who is absent from the truth and claims to know that he practices ugly characteristics that are not usual among them. The Sudanese people are in national unity and aesthetics. a painting that Al-Bishi does not see because his mind makes him feel the inferiority in which he lives, isolated from his Sudanese brothers, in a homeland that can accommodate everyone without complications.

Al-Bishi feels this and so do others of our Blue Nile brothers, the honorable ones who have insight because of their awareness and enlightenment that we know about them.

And that Al-Bishi remains locked in his shell, that he has found no one to break it

And the light of truth appears, dispelling all the artificial and baseless concerns of Al-Bishi, who is fighting a state (56) that did not even exist in the mind of any Sudanese citizen, except in the ruined mentality from Al-Bishi…

Be careful…..

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