Al-Burhan, an exceptional leader far from the spotlight, close to action – Whispering Letters – ✍️ Dr. Al-Baqir Abdul Qayyum Ali

Amid these current events and the scenes that Sudan is experiencing today, the personality of Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan stands out as an unconventional leader. I may find myself disagreeing with him on some points, but even so, I must stand my ground. as a witness to what I agreed with him on, as everyone knows, this man stays away from media noise and political tumult, to appear with positions that can reveal the depth of his thinking, of its military strategies and its depth. of the political dimension that characterizes him, and despite He does not like being in the spotlight and only involuntarily participates in political gossip which has become commonplace, but it is his actions which speak for him and which show to what extent this man has a global vision of what is happening in Sudan.

Al-Burhan is not one to talk a lot or make many enthusiastic, political speeches. He sometimes tries to use gentle body language to convey what he wants. Some of them had a high rate of views and shares on social media. and have even become icons of the scene. He always repeated his famous phrase: “The people will continue, or they will continue, or we will continue.” This phrase is not just words, but rather a philosophy embodied in his actions and tendencies, and we find that he practiced with the mercenaries the Russian theory that the earth swallows up armies, and this is an expression metaphorical used as a reference to wars. or battles in which any army expands, in geography it is certain that it will lose history and the future, because it will have lost its solid state and will become soft with expansion. With the slightest military effort and the slightest force, she. can be hunted in groups. Fragmented, one group after another, the most famous historical example is Napoleon Bonaparte's invasion of Russia in 1812, where the harshness of the territory and the climate were factors that contributed to the devastating defeat of his army.

We see that the phrase that Commander Al-Burhan always uses is a simple and clearly defined equation: either we achieve victory or we let them achieve it themselves, and that means there is no room for mediation or concessions. Reading the man's positions, we found that he knows very well what he wants, and that it is happening according to a solid plan, unmarred by the complexities of politics or foreign interference.

At a time when the world was hiding in Sudan and presenting its different cards to pressure him, we see that leader Al-Burhan used Muawiyah's hair policy as a basis to deal with the pressures. the question of the Adre border post with Chad, and at the time the world's choice was very clear at Rabaa al-Nahar: either Sudan would open the crossing to deliver aid, or it would be exposed to more pressure international. The proof was clear. , and With the fewest words and the simplest actions, he made the bold decision to open the passage. At that time, many criticized him, and I was one of them. However, thanks to his skill and foresight, he had prepared the ground. direct events in a way that serves Sudan's interests, drawing on the expertise of state intelligence services.

We also see that Al-Burhan demonstrated a strategic astuteness that reflected his personality type, his military and political leadership style, and his influence on the local, regional, and international stages. This was clearly demonstrated when he refused to be fooled by politics. plots that were brewing in Geneva, and at one point he chose the Minister of Mines instead of the Minister of Foreign Affairs to participate in the negotiations, which everyone considered a clever tactic that thwarted the international plan before it doesn't start.

But what really sets him apart is that he is a silent man and controls his tongue as much as possible. We see that he does not comment on political initiatives with grand statements, nor does he get carried away with provocations. He placed the Sudanese army in a strong position to strongly oppose any foreign interference, thereby confirming that Sudan will continue to manage its affairs in its own way and is not concerned by continued attempts to TO DO. destabilize him, because despite his silence he is patient and measured.

At a time when many people seem to be questioning the future of Sudan, Al-Burhan manages to confuse everyone's calculations, achieving his goals through sophisticated military and political tactics. He is not just a military leader, but rather a leader who knows when. to speak, when to be silent and when to make decisive decisions.

Where we continue, and where they continue, this is the philosophy of leader Al-Burhan, who expresses his style in the arts of political and military life, and in this simple phrase lies the whole meaning of true leadership, where it There's no room. out of weakness, hesitation or confusion. In the end, we find Al-Burhan looking after Sudan, just as the commander looks after his army, with total concentration on the objective and with a determination that knows not how to retreat.

There is therefore no doubt that the Sudanese people will one day find themselves facing a decisive test, in which they will know whether they will follow this leader who led them through the crises with rationality and firmness, or whether events will lead them into another direction. direction, but what seems clear now is that this man, an astute person, has established a road map away from gossip and only cares about real results, which translate into actions and not words.

My advice to Mr. Leader Al-Burhan: leadership based on moral principles is what can maintain the balance of the state and continue to achieve stability, but when actions deviate from this path, they become a source of threat not only for local populations. stability, but also to the political future and to the regime in place itself.

Mr. Commander, in light of the current circumstances and the painful events taking place in the town of Wad Medani, and with the documentation of massacres committed by certain members of the armed forces or those who support them and fight under their auspices, the question has become extremely dangerous, and these actions which offend our human values, it causes great harm to the national reputation, it can be recorded in history as a black mark against our country, and it will make us face trials including the impact may not be different. the fate of the former president. Omar Al-Bashir, who found himself in the middle of international courts.

Continuing these violations could lead Sudan into dangerous legal and diplomatic mazes, as gross human rights violations are inexcusable in international fora and can lead to serious and undesirable consequences. Each video or photo published and documented of these massacres becomes an additional burden for the country. the reputation of the country. Sudanese leaders, and therefore all those behind these actions, must be held accountable at the local level, before accountability becomes international.

Maintaining justice, respecting human rights and ending all types of violence is first and foremost the responsibility of leaders, and this requires making decisive decisions to end these violations. You will thus be able to save Sudan from a dark fate and restore confidence. between… The people and the armed forces, and you will certainly strengthen Sudan's position in the international arena.

I call on you, Mr. Leader, to take a firm stance against these totally unacceptable practices and to open serious investigations to deter the perpetrators of these crimes. Eyes must be on the future, and the future will not be kind to those who do so. cause devastation. Preserve the reputation and justice of Sudan, for history will hold us all accountable for every thing, big or small, that we do today, God is the judge above that.

And God is behind the intention

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