Al-Burhan: I am now certain of the imminent victory of our valiant armed forces – Kabuya – ✍️ Omar Kabu

*Heroes: Omar, Bakri, Abdul Rahim and Youssef*

++ Our distinguished professor, the one with a light pen, a graceful expression and a deep thought, Mahjoub Fadl Badri, wrote and I wrote to demand that His Excellency Lieutenant General Al-Burhan guarantee the right of the hero, His Excellency First Lieutenant General Abdul Rahim Muhammad Hussein, to be treated in a qualified hospital that receives his critical condition and provides the lowest health care for a man of his age and his medications…

++ The news came yesterday that he was transferred with President Marshal Al-Bashir, First General Bakri Hassan Saleh and Brigadier General Youssef Abdel Fattah to a hospital more qualified than the hospital of the Wadi Sidna military base…

++ This approach means that His Excellency Al-Burhan values ​​the media and values ​​its pioneering role in raising awareness, monitoring, defending citizens' rights and fundamental freedoms, shedding light on the sources of error and transgression for the State, and guiding it to the right path…

++ Most importantly, he confirms that he is advancing with strength to become a statesman in truth and truth, capable of carrying out the tasks entrusted to him by extending the authority of justice and equality among citizens without tyranny, tyranny or tyranny, transcending the fear that settled in his heart because of the cries and rage of ignorance ((God honors the hearers)) God greatly cursed them after realizing the extent of the people's intense hatred and anger towards them, so he no longer paid attention to them…

++ Yes, it acts forcefully to impose the sovereignty of the state on the land of Sudan through its armed forces, which almost wrote the last chapter at the end of the greatest conspiracy against the homeland and citizens, targeting their land, honor, properties, The origins and legacy of the small Zionist state of the Emirates, which unleashed its dogs, the Janjaweed and Qahta militias, against the innocent and defenseless people of Sudan. Our regular forces, our army, our police and our security, faced it with the firm support of the Sudanese people who organized popular resistance, declaring their rejection of any negotiation with these filthy and detestable insults…

++ At the same time, it plays a major role in preparing the political arena for a smooth transition to a new phase based on the state of institutions, sustainable development and stability. Its fundamental and satisfactory entry point is the dissemination of values. of justice, equality, freedom and human dignity…

++ It is true that this man came too late and he refuses to allow the military symbols of the valor of Al-Bashir, the supreme commander of the Sudanese army, for thirty years. A person like him cannot be imprisoned for all these long years, because this is considered an attack on the prestige of our great army, its status and nobility…

++ Follow the closest experiences around us, because its armies were quick to maintain their dignity and prestige the day they preserved the status, respect and dignity of their first commander after the first period following each military coup…

++ Even our entire political history realizes that all military governments took the initiative to honor the leaders of the armies who ruled the country in turn. Neither Ibrahim Abboud nor Jaafar Muhammad al-Numeiri were imprisoned, on the contrary, Al-Bashir himself was quick to honor and glorify him, bypassing all his great mistakes and bitterness of the past, out of gratitude for the fact that he was the commander-in-chief of the Sudanese army…

++ As for the first team, Bakri Hassan Saleh, and the first team, Abdul Rahim Muhammad Hussein, together with Al-Bashir, all three of them managed to build the largest military institution based on our armed forces that are fighting a rebellion that has broken out since independence until today, in the south, west and east, and only some states of the country have been spared from its damage…

++ A man of Al-Burhan's wisdom and sobriety, his appreciation for his military, his pride in our armed forces and his deep affiliation with them, refuses to let us see him disavow the men who have a race and rights in the service of the army. The Sudanese army…

++ It is more worthy of his character and it is more worthy of him to always be accompanied by him, because the Sudanese people adorn themselves with modesty, and modesty of character is to protect oneself and to know the place of those who have rights, and to give to each virtuous person his grace…

++ I followed public opinion after I published my article two days ago demanding that Abd al-Rahim Muhammad Hussein be transferred to a qualified hospital. I was then bombarded with hundreds of messages praising him in favor of the idea of ​​​​. ​releasing them, the owners believing that the achievements of the Salvation Army were enough to crown it the greatest government in the history of Sudan which has exhausted and will exhaust.

++ Even those who disagree with them believe that the mistakes of Al-Qahta and the Janjaweed outweigh the mistakes of Al-Bashir and his companions, if they exist, a million times over, to the point that it is unfair to make a comparison between the two experiences, because what has happened since Al-Bashir left the Janjaweed and Al-Qahta in terms of atrocities and crimes is indescribable and difficult to quantify and classify…

++ The Chief Justice could have exercised his inherent right and real authority to release them on the grounds that they were accused in a report, and on this basis they were responsible to the judiciary, which has the inherent right to decide their fate, whether they were arrested, released, extended or rearrested, but he remained silent about it, thinking that when he did this, Al-Burhan would be angry, so he decided to obtain the approval of the Sultan by angering the Most Merciful, who forbade himself the right to be unjust and abhorred tyranny and contempt for human beings worthy and deserving of divine honor…

++ It remains for you, dear reader, to realize that all four of them, the heroes, Al-Bashir, Bakri, Abdel-Rahim and Youssef Abdel-Fattah, have passed the age of seventy. May God prolong their days and bless them and their lives. According to the wording of the articles, as severe as they are, it is not permissible to execute or imprison them, even if they are found guilty. All that is possible is for the court to take a precautionary measure to return them to their families…

++ The Chief Justice, who I know knows from his experience, which is beyond doubt in my mind, insists on keeping silent because he wants them imprisoned in this way, as long as it strengthens the foundations of his remaining Chief Justice who enjoys the privileges and powers of the chair, as to the justice and wrath of the Lord of Heaven and Earth and what is between them ((in sixty) )000

++ Sir Al-Burhan, you realize that no pen has supported you as much as the owner of this pen, starting from a central idea, which is that the army and its symbols, security and its symbols, and the police and its symbols are a red line that must be protected, preserved, defended and supported in all circumstances because it constitutes the strongest line of defense of the homeland and its wall against conspiracies…

++ This pen also stems from a number of constants and values, the most important of which is that you will not be victorious unless justice is achieved, and the essence of truth and the spirit of justice is to give everyone who is entitled to what is due; These four have the right to travel to be treated in the largest hospitals. They want to become citizens before they can become senior leaders with a history in the largest national institution in Sudan…

++ Sir, justice says that they have the right to choose between treatment in Sudan or abroad, that is why he made the decision that looks like proof, the strong president who in truth does not fear the fault of a blamer. a good conscience completely refuses to recognize injustice and is blind to the truth.

++ By God Almighty and His Holy Book, there is no greater and more serious injustice than remaining imprisoned without legal justification for five years, even if all laws give him the right to live with his family, even if all the accusations are proven against him, not to mention the fact that he is arrested and has not yet been convicted…

++ Oh my God, I absolve you from every injustice that befell these men, oh my God, just as you guided Al-Burhan to allow them to be transferred to treatment in a better hospital, so direct his path and guide him to take the decision to release them, for this alone is sufficient reason to support his army, which will not win unjustly…

++ Oh my God, I reached the witness…

*++Our army, machine*

*++Be careful, Jinn*

*++Innocent, O Messenger of God*

*Omar Capo*

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