Al-Burhan: I knew it, so commit… an opportunity in which you will honor your people and present yourself as the master of Africa, just like your predecessor did!!!…


++The nations have plotted against us in a most ferocious conspiracy, America and its allies with their oppression, arrogance and arrogance, and the State of the Emirates with its weapons, equipment and money, and the Africa with the Arabs of its diaspora…

++ The conspiracy has done everything reprehensible to us: forced displacement, rape of free women, captivity of women and sale in slave markets, captivity of men, abuse of honor, looting of money, destruction of structures, tree fire…

++ The only thing that you have not been able to take away from us is our brotherhood, our pride, our solidity, our firmness and our unbreakability in all circumstances. The Sudanese people are always with their chastity, their purity of conscience, the purity of their conscience. , and respect for their authenticity and established traditions…

++The people of Sudan have been patient with their armed forces as they fought the battle for dignity and pride with strength, determination and courage. He defended himself when called upon, and now he begins offensive battles with a harsh sweep that wiped out. leaders and militia forces, and most of them are dead or injured…

++ Here are the characteristics of victory, their omens and news seem to be looming on the near horizon, recognizing the defeat of all arrogant states, all without exception, led by the devil of the world, America and its allies. ..

++ A defeat that represents Najla's stab at the side of the small Zionist state of the Emirates and its leader, the devil of the Arabs, Wid Zayed, and his useless and insignificant atheist servants ((May God honor the listeners)). ..

++Therefore, we are witnessing an acceleration of measures aimed at intimidating the leaders of the army, especially Al-Burhan, by sending threatening messages secretly and publicly to submit and submit to their conditions and submit to their vision by accepting the settlement and being satisfied with reconciliation, regardless of the crushing victories of its forces, and by turning a blind eye to the devastating defeats suffered by the Emirati Janjaweed militia, and regardless of the refusal of the Sudanese to achieve to a settlement or reconciliation with their displacement, the murder of their youth, the plundering of their wealth, the impoverishment and the desecration of their honor…

++ It is fortunate that Al-Burhan finally decided to comply with the wishes of his people. He therefore declared his loyalty in three points, rejecting any reconciliation, agreement or ceasefire ((but only)), ordering his forces to mobilize further. , ((but)), bombardment and ferocity…

++ It seems that he has read the Sudanese mood and studied well the Sudanese character, which refuses to submit to diktats, external threats and the language of threats, taking his predecessor Al-Bashir as a good model to express the will of his people. to denounce any attempt to impose foreign tutelage, which earned him the admiration of the Sudanese people, who wasted no time in supporting him and supporting him by telephone, he took the initiative of giving him the title: ((Lion of. Africa)) to him…

++ Sir Al-Burhan: These are the destinies that saddle for you the horses of honor and heroism, so take them as they deserve and do not be afraid, by God Almighty, if the nation the whole community was coming together to harm you. something that God had not decreed for you, they would not have done it, so be careful of death and life will be given to you…

This world only respects the strong, so go out tomorrow and repeat it with all your might. You are a man of your people against any peace that would bring back those who raped the women of Sudan, destroyed the homeland and pillaged the people.

++ Say it, and millions of young people will come out in every peaceful city, chanting your name, praying for you and gathering to support you and present you as their undisputed master…

++Say it victoriously for the dignity, pride and sovereignty of your people…

Standing tall and splendid with your forces, the Sudanese army, conqueror of powerful tyrants, teacher of armies, epics of sacrifice, firmness and fearlessness…

++ Our army, ((Makna))…

++Be careful, jinn…

++ Resistance, O ((Nashama))…

*Omar Capo*

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