Al-Burhan Team.. Maximizing Peace – The Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 One of the most beautiful and greatest moments that passes through a person is the one that makes someone leave in you happy things that make you smile when life seems dark to you. During this space, the day before yesterday, I mentioned the problem of Professor Salah Farajallah and I called on the President of the Sovereign Council and the Governor of Kassala to intervene. The brother Governor only intervened and visited the rehearsal yesterday and took care of all the stages of his treatment at the police hospital and emphasized his concern for him until God grants him good health and prosperity. Build another file with him.

0 After only forty-eight hours, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, President of the Sovereign Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, called Professor Salah, responding to the call we made to him in a gesture that lifted Professor Salah's spirits. How could it be otherwise, when the leader of the country is personally as he is and in his situation? What an exceptional leader who cares deeply for all those who represent the country's national treasures, like Professor Salah. This is the greatest concern and responsibility.

0 Personally, people are the happiest about this call, which warmed our hearts and confirmed the wise leadership. Therefore, I must express my gratitude, sincere thanks and appreciation for the exceptional support provided by His Excellency Lieutenant General Al-Burhan during the call. did good to Professor Salah. The contact of the Al-Burhan team confirmed without a doubt that she is the best help, the best motivator and the best person who blesses creativity and creative people. We believe that the name of the Al-Burhan team will remain an imprint and a symbol. light that illuminates the path to excellence.

0 We are happy with the leader who carries the concerns of his subjects, takes his precious time in light of the difficult circumstances the country is going through and supports the issues and problems of the creatives in the land of creativity, our beloved Sudan.

0 Thank you, His Excellency Al-Burhan Team, for this initiative that will remain in us cascades of loyalty, sources of love and sources of kindness. May God make you an asset to the country and the people.

And tomorrow, Sudan, you will grow up..

Stay higher and stay cooler

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. I swear there is no intention behind this.

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