Al-Burhan: This is the beginning of the war… Thank you, the Air Force, thank you, the artillery, thank you very much, the starched and heroic men of the Takinah… ✍️ Dr. Omar Kabo


++ In his final appearance yesterday, from the house of the heroic martyr Muhammad Siddiq, Al-Burhan announced that the war for them has now begun, indicating a renewal of commitment, determination, challenge and the firmness to reach the summit of victory and certain passage…

++ The crowds greeted this declaration with a loud storm of chants ((Revenge, revenge, Burhan)) which interrupted the words of each shame calling for an end to the war, and the militia continued to kill, pillage, terrorize and provoke the feelings of the Sudanese people without paying the slightest attention…

++ Less than seven hours later, our armed militia forces surprised the enemy with a terrible aerial and artillery bombardment on Al Baraha Hospital, eliminating the three largest Janjaweed commanders on the ground and three hundred wounded, all of whom turned into a pile of ashes blown away by the wind. by the wind…

++ The news hit them like a thunderbolt, making them suffer intensely and drink the cup of humiliation, bitterness and defeat as they “screamed” in grief and remorse, including their pages electronics were filled as much as they could hide it. he…

++ Before waking up from the painful tragedy, our armed forces continued their surprise by targeting their positions in the Al-Jili refinery… a bombardment that they did not expect at all, which caused them heavy loss of life and material. now stands in the midst of a state of turmoil, disorientation and confusion that the Zionist State of the Emirates has experienced and will now experience, which seemed to discover that the Sudanese army is stubborn and strong, and uses the element of surprise and surprise of manner. an astonishing way, with which no attempt to survive or escape is in vain…

++ Our armed forces managed to transform the announcement of the start of the war by the Commander-in-Chief into an act that is seen, seen and felt with unexpected speed and surprise that was not expected or entered into spirit of a person, like everyone else. it was expected that the army would not attack Al-Baraha as a hospital or Al-Jili as a refinery…

++ Indeed, our armed forces were patient and patient, and our armed forces were firm until they were sure that their large and powerful intelligence services had collected detailed data on Al-Baraha. The most important field commanders of the militia here had no choice but. for the air force to arrive at them with the most precise coordinates, which facilitated their mission to deliver a fatal blow in the depths. None of them survived and, before the militia woke up from the shock, caught him. blows, and focusing on the direction of the refinery to save its leaders and vehicles, Al-Sakhawi and the artillery fire crushed them, causing huge losses, the largest since the beginning of the battle until now …

++ The start of war means that a new approach and different tactics will emerge. Rebel militias in any part of our beloved land will not be immune from its consequences. Whoever thinks that among these dogs, traitors and humiliating agents. anything else is bad. He will receive his punishment because of his long hope, complacency, carelessness and lack of awareness of the experience, greatness and history of our great armed forces, which have been fighting since independence until 'now without lethargy. , weakness, hesitation or rupture…

++There has been no failure or imbalance in a battle without enthusiasm rising within it, reservoirs of anger flowing, and cascades of steadfastness breaking out against an enemy unaware of its capabilities and his determination, and his total rejection of any attempt to harm his employees, even when they were retired…

++ The war has begun and you will soon see destructive pre-emptive strikes targeting their movements and hitting their strongholds and social incubators by training special groups for very special operations…

++ What Commander Al-Burhan meant by saying that popular resistance is the foundation, pillar and first pillar of the Sudanese army is a statement that follows…

++ The tactical change in the field of the army has collided with a new conviction among the Sudanese people of the need to bear arms and for everyone to confront this criminal militia, as we saw yesterday the men from the village of Al-Takina coming out to meet the enemy with his chest exposed, refusing even to bend his back in front of the flames. They faced death with strange courage, presenting a new lesson to the world in valor, sacrifice, bravery and unprecedented courage…

++ What happened in Al-Takina confirms what is certain: the Sudanese people are a people who find it easy to die for their dignity, pride and honor, like a person's love for lusts , gold and silver. this is one thing we are betting on that the people of Sudan will triumph and not be defeated…Soon the militias will be defeated and take control…

++ Congratulations to the Air Force and Artillery for the precise strikes on Al-Baraha and Al-Masfa… And many thanks to Al-Takina, the place of the people of God, the heroic mujahideen , for you who have gloated beyond the thresholds of firmness…

Omar Capo

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