Al-Burhan: We will not negotiate… fiery statements

⭕ *Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Omdurman Armed Forces:*

*Al-Burhan*: We will not submit to any blackmail through negotiations that would take away the prestige and will of the armed forces and would not meet the ambitions of the people.

*Al-Burhan*: We will not negotiate with an enemy who continues his violations, nor with those who support him, and our duty is to prepare for the fight and see victory before us as you see it now.

*Proof*: We may have lost a battle, but we have not lost the war, even if we lose people, the Sudanese are many, and we salute through you the steadfastness of the free Sudanese people.

*Proof*: All the Sudanese people stand with the armed forces, except for a stray group that supports lies and militias.

*Al-Burhan*: We will not let the Sudanese down as long as we are victorious, and this enemy and those who are with them will disappear, and we will pursue them one by one.

*Al-Burhan*: We salute our forces in Omdurman and our brothers in El-Fasher, Babanusa, Sennar and all axes, as armed and joint forces, and on alert.

*Al-Burhan*: We are supporters of peace and we do not desire war, but we will not negotiate in a humiliating manner and we will only participate in it with pride.

*Al-Burhan*: Our message to the mediators is that you urge the mercenaries to leave the homes of the citizens, and this country will not welcome us or them in the future.

*Al-Burhan*: Our commitment to the Sudanese people is to deliver the country to them without rebellion, otherwise we will all be annihilated as armed forces.

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