Al-Burhan: What happened in Wad Al-Noura will not go unnoticed and we will restore their rights.

Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Abdel Rahman Al-Burhan, Chairman of the Sovereignty Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, arrived yesterday afternoon at the command of the 18th Infantry Division in White Nile State. He was received by Professor Omar Al-Burhan. Khalifa Abdullah, Governor of White Nile State, Major General Sami Al-Tayeb Sayed Ahmed, Commander of the 18th Infantry Division in Kosti, and Police Major General Taj al-Din Habibullah Abdul Malik, director of the state police, and Brigadier General Al-Abbasi Mahmoud, Director of the General Intelligence and Security Service of the State, Upon his arrival, His Excellency received the republican peace then addressed the officers , non-commissioned officers and soldiers of the 18th Infantry Division, in the presence of the Major General. Haider Ali Al-Tarifi, supervisor of operations on the White Nile.

At the beginning of his speech, Al-Burhan took pity on the martyrs of Wad Al-Noura village in Al-Jazeera State, who were murdered by the Rapid Support rebel militia, mercenaries, mercenaries and agents that he called. for a speedy recovery of the wounded and wounded, and declared that the armed forces would surrender their rights not just two, but six hundred times, as a declaration of action. He said that what happened in the Wad Al-Noura area and before that. in Al-Geneina, we will not let Nyala and all the villages of the island and Khartoum pass, and this confirms that this war is not against the army, but against the citizen.

His Excellency promised that he would not forgive those who committed these acts and that the armed forces would not lay hands on those who committed these acts. He declared that we will continue the war and we will not submit or retreat. nor surrender, and we will not lay down our arms, adding that the battle will continue until it is resolved by the victory of the Sudanese armed forces and people.

Al-Burhan sent a message of commitment to the martyrs and the people of Sudan that we will not place our hands in the hands of the rebels and those he helped. Our message to the so-called progressors, impudence or any political party is that they will do it. We will not rule Sudan while we are there, indicating that this group has become clear that it is involved with the rebels and has declared: “We are confident of near victory, God willing.”

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