Al-Hadath: A malicious channel that the Sudanese people must face ✍️ Omar Kabo


++ The Sudanese people have long been patient with the Al-Hadath channel, which is making strenuous efforts to carry out the plot to fragment Sudan and destabilize its security and stability…

++The Sudanese people have been patient as it presents content that exudes wickedness, ugliness and misery that targets the Sudanese people and undermines the sovereignty, pride and dignity of their country…

++ We saw (fabricated) unreal scenes in order to prove the weakness of the regular forces, deploying all their energy to crystallize a mental image that depicts the tenacity and strength of the Janjaweed terrorist militia….

++ The channel remained aggressive in its talk shows against our great victorious army, far from the established traditions and customs of media work in terms of lack of professionalism, transparency and commitment…

++ He continued his transgressions in blatant disregard for the aspirations of our proud people and their dream of eliminating the militias without paying attention to the directives of the responsible official agencies, which reached the point where they prevented them from working towards the interior of Sudan…

++ Yesterday the Sudanese people watched on their miserable flat screens urgent news announcing, in naive platitude, that the World Food Organization had called the Port Sudan authorities (the Port Sudan authorities, c 'that is to say by God Almighty) to open an administrative passage for entry aids)…

++ Firstly, what has been the norm ((protocol)) is that the official address of voluntary organizations to the state is in the form of an appeal, and the exception to this is bypass , it comes in the form of a request only for human reasons. rights organizations concerned with freedoms…

++But this fallen channel has deliberately insulted and damaged the prestige of the State through its editorial writing, without taking into account the ethics of the profession and its established, stable and recognized principles, where demand is always a order from top to top. down. So when has this organization been more important in the affairs of our nation than the current Sultan of the State???!!

++ Until now, it was possible to overcome this great sin and the attack on the sovereignty of the state and the shame of its dignity, but if the malice reached the point where the term “Port Sudan authorities” was used to designate the State of Sudan, this is what must be addressed because it is the beginning of the establishment of a discourse that deprives the government of Sudan of its official recognition, especially when it is issued by a well-known foreign organization…

++ ((Port Sudan authorities)) is a highly regionalized term intended to indicate a malicious reference to the official recognition of other Darfur and Jazeera authorities on the basis of a decision in Libya ((the government of Tripoli and the government of Benghazi))… If the Sudanese people let the matter go unnoticed, then tomorrow we will learn that this The organization addressed the Janjaweed militias in the name of the “Darfur authorities” and after- tomorrow in the name of the “Jazeera authorities”, this is what foreign intelligence wants by putting the knot in the saw…

++ Review all planning, division and fragmentation of the State which began with a malicious signal or a vile admission by imposing a media discourse in the same vein…

++ The evidence is that this channel has become a tool for dividing and fragmenting Sudan, which makes its resistance a popular affair that goes beyond official frameworks…

++ I insist on the fact that the closure of this channel has become a popular concern which begins by announcing its boycott, preventing its cameras from wandering and (loitering) in the streets of dear Sudanese cities, and refusing any jealous free patriot from his country. and its people to participate in its various programs, while leading a strong campaign to pressure the government to close its offices…

++ It is time for the people to speak out and stand up against all those who dare to harm the unity of their people or undermine the capabilities of the nation, its origins, its security and its stability. ..

++ Let the starting blow come from this immoral channel, which has begun to spread its poisons, penetrating the body of our unity, wasting our values, and striking the source of our strength and the cohesion of our home front… Which said and the regions declare the mobilization of their citizens??!! Who is the one starting the campaign to collect signatures to shut down this despicable, corrupt and disgusting channel???!!!

++ The canal emits a stench similar to that of ((The Great Event))000

Omar Capo

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