Al-Helu exports gold and imports death, hunger and disease for the people of South Kordofan by blocking roads – a hill and banks – ✍️ A. Abdel Sattar Abbas Khalil

It is clear that we are living in an era of barbarism, moral and legal unrest, unreality and illogic on the part of the SPLM-North (Al-Hilu) wing, in not respecting human rights, as the crimes that are occurring include blocking roads and suffocating the people of Southern Kordofan and the people of the Nuba Mountains.

At this time we feel sorry for those who are dying of hunger, grief and disease, and we remember with pain some of the stories that make people sad because of this.

We live in a time when children, women and men are dying of hunger and disease.

How trivial and cruel it is to kill with the weapon of hunger

All divine religions, customs, laws, values ​​and morals forbid it, except when (mild)

▫️ Considering that the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court provides that deliberately starving civilians by depriving them of things indispensable to their survival, including deliberately obstructing the delivery of relief supplies, constitutes a war crime.

Al-Helu deliberately and creatively kills the people of the Nuba Mountains.

Who is his family metaphorically?

This is a complete crime…

▫️The policy of starvation is a war crime and genocide

The policy of starvation has long been known as a method of warfare, beginning with sieges aimed at pressuring military forces to surrender.

Not for civilians, family and loved ones who are your subjects, and I think you defended them.

(And some suspicions are a sin)!!!

▫️ It is time for the components of the Nuba Mountains to unite and put aside the robes of ideology and narrow political affiliations, and for everyone to wear a robe made of a color based on the land, geography and history.

And let everyone adopt a strategic project whose primary goal is to free themselves from the clutches of the meek and those who were enslaved and remained on the chest of the peoples of Nubia for two decades, during which it did not add anything new to their humanity, but rather they began to live in a reality worse than it was and became poorer in addition to their poverty.

The man, with his iron fist, his control over the region and his elimination of all opponents, as we know, the man is full of betrayal!!!

Man has become one of the richest peoples on the African continent, and the people of South Kordofan in general and the Nuba Mountains in particular languish below the poverty line, living in a rich geography, both inside and outside the land.

(Al-Helu) buys gold at the lowest prices from the people of the region, regardless of his authority and power. It is forbidden for gold to leave South Kordofan (Nuba Mountains). You will only be able to sell it to his customers and his circle of interests. And whoever wants to sell this metal to profit from it, then woe to him if he is arrested.

Because no matter how many tricks you have, you will inevitably fall into the traps he has set and the checkpoints he has set up, as you will be stripped of every garment you are wearing.

Men and women

In an insult to your humanity and a violation of your gold-seeking dignity, you will not pass these checkpoints unless you are a devil.

Note that this gold is yours and you are the owner. You made an effort to find it!!!!

But it is dictatorship, monopoly and self-esteem

He has representatives who travel all over the mountainous regions, far and wide, to buy gold at low prices (through intimidation) and then collect it in huge quantities to sell in the markets of the United Arab Emirates.

Who bought the candy and its gold, that's the reality, and that's the tip of the iceberg…

It is therefore up to all those concerned with the interest and development of the region and its inhabitants to develop a project whose main objective is to extract this cancerous tumor from this exhausted body.

Federations, coordinating entities, associations, associations and any name and entity that will be deleted in the name of South Kordofan and Nubia.

Working side by side to pull the rug out from under this man's feet, especially after he identified himself with Rapid Support and their project was down to one.

Let Al-Helou and the few people around him know that the smallest person in South Kordofan (Nuba Mountains) to the oldest person does not agree with the rapid support in its entirety and in detail, and this is one of the constants for them in and there are no two people who differ.

Except Al-Helu and (Jughta) who are linked to interests with Rapid Support!!!

Now we need to put the project back into line, first understand the foundations on which the project is built

(Sweet Drop Project)

Then we lay the foundations on which we all agree for the progress of the region and its inhabitants.

Between the hammer of softness and the anvil of rapid support

Children, women and men are dying, the agricultural season is failing and the specter of famine dominates the scene.

The gold merchant appreciates the groans of the hungry and the groans of the sick

▫️ Greetings to all those who have been knocking on the door to ask for the roads to be opened and humanitarian aid to be delivered to those in need.

Starting with Lieutenant General Shams al-Din Kabbashi, member of the Sovereignty Council and Deputy Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, who has made efforts and continues to lead initiatives that are known to all.

Hello to all the initiatives that have fed the hungry with the effort of the people…

Hello to all those who have denounced the corruption of Al-Helou and called for overcoming it. They have many understandings…

Hello to all the media platforms that have called and are still calling to open the road…

Greetings to any organization, entity, association or association that works day and night with the aim of protecting the populations of the region…

May God help the people of South Kordofan and the Nuba Mountains…

May God grant everyone success in what is good…

May you live long

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