Al-Jazeera's fervent call…. Annihilate, army, without mercy… Al-Jazeera faces real annihilation.. – Clearly – ✍️ Fath al-Rahman al-Nahhas

The extreme chaos and barbarity of the mercenaries and monsters of the rebellion, and what happened with the massacre of Wad Noura and the murders and thefts that preceded it could not have happened if the leaders of the The army had crushed these thugs from the first days of their entry into the island. …It is surprising that we have not found a satisfactory answer (to the painful question): How long will the orgy of rebellion on the island last? Why is the decision taking so long to be made?! , where do they go, then where do they reappear?!! The Wad Noura massacre cannot happen like this, because it is (the most important key) for the army to move and pursue these criminals to their holes and leave none behind. behind…there must be (sweeping and sweeping) Without pity and without (delay), the torrent has reached the top and patience is running out..!!*

*We saw how proud and (high) these criminals were as they fired cannons, machine guns and clashes on innocent citizens in the village of Wad Al-Noura, and they moved in “full swarm ” as if the island had come under their complete control… This gruesome scene reveals that the thugs are carrying out “systematic genocide” on the island's citizens in order to empty it of its inhabitants… and from there , confrontation becomes inevitable, and the entire country is transformed into an armed army to completely eliminate these criminals, and the challenge is that none of them escape their (black fate) wherever they are in any part of Sudan…so there is no time for more (planning and deliberation) In On the part of the army leadership, it is this (slowness) in determination which (attempt ) these thugs to commit more crimes… There must be a (strong) air and ground confrontation to the last hole of the thugs and their treacherous columns… There is no other choice than this , otherwise we will have to wait (for the worst) From the massacre of Wad Noura… Have we not succeeded, O God, so bear witness..!!

*We will write and write…!!!*

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