(Al-Karama) Atbara Airport (fly) in the skies of success – Paths – ✍️ Mahfouz Abdeen

The Nile State government, led by the state governor, Dr. Mohamed Al-Badawi Abdel Majid, has done well. It gets rid of the dust from Atbara Airport and announces the takeoff time for the rehabilitation process of Atbara Airport. a modern and current way that adapts to all international airport services to be the first airport in Sudan and to be the “alternative” for all international airlines in the event of climate change and in all cases of flight (of emergency). landings.

Atbara Airport is gaining importance for many reasons, the most important being that it is in the center of the country and connects many cities including Khartoum, Meroe, Port Sudan, Dongola, Kassala, Gedaref and Shendi.

Thus, it can reduce land travel distances between the airport and these cities, both in return and return cases.

It is also close to the capitals of the Gulf Cooperation Council and the capitals of the Horn of Africa countries. In addition to Egypt and the countries of the Levant.

The second thing is that Atbara airport will be the most important way to export Sudanese goods to the world. It is enough that Nile State can export many foodstuffs such as mangoes, citrus fruits, vegetables, spices, meat, onions and others. .

Gold can be exported after establishing a gold refinery in the locality of Berbère or Abou Hamad, and the rest of the states can export its products like northern dates, island cotton and gum arabic. of Kordofan.

Atbara Airport will form a duality with the railway to complement the means of transportation, which is one of the most important elements of development, progress and prosperity in all countries of the world.

By train, products from West Sudan can arrive at the airport and vice versa in case of import.

It seems that the energy of the Nile State is important in the implementation of this enormous economic project, which takes on great importance after the ordeal that hit the country due to the war, one of which reasons was the destruction of the country's natural resources. infrastructure, as this plan shows from foreign enemies and internal clients.

The achievement of the creation of this airport contains a message to all the hidden forces in Sudan. The Sudanese people will amaze the world with their achievements.

This is why I (Mahfouz Abdeen) call this airport (Al-Karama) Atbara Airport, to be a witness to the (defeat) of the enemies and a challenge to the Sudanese people and all those hiding in the future of Sudan.

The Nile government is seriously committed to making Al Karama Airport in Atbara one of the landmarks of the whole Sudan, not just Atbara or Nile.

The Nile government has placed this project at the top of its priorities and has opened the door for official and popular bodies to participate and contribute to this project until its completion.

However, the Nile State Ministry of Culture and Information, Minister Mustafa Al-Sharif, and the ministry's Director General of Information, Fath Al-Rahman Al-Ghattas, still have an important role to play in the presentation of this enormous project that the State is carrying out. implementation, especially since the State Information Director is the head of the media committee of the airport (Al-Karama) of Atbara, and this requires a big introduction to this project by all means and media, so that people know the importance of this project. this airport… and we will come back, God willing.

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