Al-Ma'aqil presents the First Brigade of Dignity and celebrates the popular resistance ✍️ Khaled Muhammad Al-Baqir

🟡 In a move that reflects the leadership's commitment to strengthening the security and stability of the nation, the leader of the popular resistance in Sudan, Major General Bashir Makki Al-Bahi, paid a historic visit to the First Brigade of Dignity in the locality of Shendi. He was accompanied during the visit by Major General Hamdan Abdul Qadir, his commanders, division commanders and their units, social and popular military leaders and the security committee of the locality of Shendi, headed by the executive director of the locality of Shendi.

Professor Khaled Abdel Ghaffar Al-Sheikh and several officers and leaders of the popular resistance.

🟡 This visit clearly demonstrates the great interest in preparing forces and achieving cooperation between different sectors to secure the region.

🟡 This visit was distinguished by the inspection of the readiness of the First Dignity Brigade and the Mustafarin Brigade, where their level of readiness for effective participation in defensive operations on the frontline was confirmed. Major General Bashir Makki stressed the importance of this readiness to ensure security in the localities of Shendi and Matama, and in the Nile State in general. He promised to support their stationed forces with modern equipment to meet the needs of the battle.

🟡 General Bashir praised the Nile State government, describing it as one of the first states to establish popular resistance.

He expressed his full support for the efforts and stressed the satisfaction and comfort he gained from what he saw and heard.

🟡 This partnership between the army and the popular resistance is considered a necessary step to face the various challenges.

🟡 The President of the Popular Resistance spoke about the threats and plans that are being hatched against the stability of the country. He stressed the need to be fully aware of the external and internal dangers that could affect the nation. He stressed that the Mustafarin are the first line of defense against any attempt to destabilize the country.

🟡 Bashir reiterated the importance of the popular resistance being under the supervision of the armed forces. Effective coordination between the two forces represents a great support for national security. In this way, the country's ability to face possible attacks can be strengthened.

🟡 The Commander of the 3rd Infantry Division, Major General Hamdan Abdul Qader Daoud, explained the importance of qualitative and advanced training for all young people. He called on all members of society to participate in the training camps, stressing the group's readiness to support any effort to arm young people and train them professionally. These activities are necessary to confront threats and help young people acquire new skills.

🟡 The leader of the Popular Resistance in the Nile State, Major General Taj al-Din al-Zein, announced that the Popular Resistance is ready to take up arms and fight alongside the armed forces. This also includes the commitment to eliminate the insurgency that threatens the homeland. Joint work between different teams is an essential element in ensuring security and stability.

🟡 In conclusion, the commander of the First Dignity Brigade stressed their readiness to confront any betrayal. This firm position is a clear message to all those who dare to undermine the security of the country. Unified action and high fighting spirit are among the most important elements that will contribute to achieving victory and restoring security in the homeland.

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