Al-Mawabin Hospital Physiotherapists Family Celebrates World Physiotherapy Day

Red Sea Health: We are looking to open new physiotherapy centres and locate them across the state

Port Sudan:

The Ministry of Health of the Red Sea State confirmed its support for the localization of the physiotherapy program in the state and the opening of new centers to treat patients, noting that it has structured and allocated a special department for the specialty of physiotherapy within the ministry.

The Director of Therapeutic Medicine at the Ministry of Health of the Red Sea State, Mr. Awad Wadaa, representing the Minister of Health of the Red Sea State, said:

I have to address the celebration of the physiotherapists family at the Sea Ports Authority Hospital in the Shamandoura Hall in Port Sudan on the occasion of World Physiotherapy Day under the slogan Physiotherapy and back pain, in the presence of Lieutenant General Shayba Dharar and Lieutenant General of the Police. Dr. Amira Abbas, Director of the Medical Services Department of the Police Force, stressed that physiotherapy has gained importance during the period of war and change. He added that the Ministry of Health has been dealing with it from the beginning and has worked to expand it, and that it is a new way of life for all patients. .Who have mobility difficulties.

For his part, Dr. Muhammad Al-Khatem Al-Sayyed, consultant in orthopedic surgery and sports injuries, said that physiotherapy is a branch of medicine that treats the patient in a natural and physical way and maintains movements, joints and muscles so that the patient enjoys health, indicating that physiotherapy is integrated with all other medical specialties such as surgery, internal medicine and orthopedics.

Mohammed Al Khatim thanked the Port Authority Hospital for hosting the center, hoping that the celebration will take place next year when the country is experiencing security and stability.

For her part, Dr. Maryam Ali Labab, Medical Director of Ports Hospital, explained that the center started operating in April of the year 2024 AD and is an integrated center that contains all types of physiotherapy and has advanced and sophisticated devices and specialized staff in physiotherapy, noting that the center receives all cases from Port Sudan hospitals and helps confirm 90% of surgical operations, and she added that they extend their support to the center to accommodate the largest number of service seekers.

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