Al-Obeid is the best place for general practitioner exam for West Sudan and White Nile states ✍️ Al-Zein Kendwa

A number of general practitioners from Al-Obeid Teaching Hospital in North Kordofan State contacted me and told me that their specialized examination centers had been designated for the examination centers in Atbara, Kassala and Port Sudan, so that all general practitioners from the western states of Sudan could come to these centers. They explained that traveling to these states involves great difficulties and a certain danger to their lives and property, especially these methods are dangerous, and they presented the following solutions:

That all doctors from the western states of Sudan be gathered in Al-Obeid and take their exams there, instead of traveling and taking risks. They explained that Al-Obeid is a center that has a large number of computers suitable for taking exams. the exam once they are connected to the Internet, and there is also an electric generator, which only needs to save fuel, in addition to this to provide teachers with the role of observers for the exams.

_In my opinion, the request of the doctors of El Obeid as an examination center is logical and should be approved without any hesitation. The government of the state of North Kordofan, and even the central government, must support this idea for several reasons:_

1/ Ensures security in white.

2/ Do not expose the lives of doctors and traveling doctors to security risks or financial costs.

3/ Do not create a deficit of medical personnel in the health establishments of El Obeid, especially since there is a high rate of layoffs due to fall-related illnesses, or war injuries and other accidents.

4/ The requirements mentioned in general can be fulfilled in the simplest possible way, and it is possible to benefit from the supervision of doctors from Kordofan University.

5/ Internet is available as all telecommunications companies in El Obeid are operating at full capacity.

6/ Accommodation of White Nile State doctors and their staff in Al-Abyad due to the difficulty of their travel to the identified centers due to known circumstances.

In recognition of all that has been mentioned, Al-Abyad is the best place for the general practitioner exam for the states of West Sudan and White Nile.

May you always be well,,,

August 3, 2024

#Don't forget Sudan for prayers#

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