Al-Taraa Neighborhood Initiative in Kassala Denies Work Stoppage in Charitable Kitchen for Displaced People


The Youth Initiative Committee of Al-Taraa neighborhood in Kassala denied rumors about the stoppage of work in the charity kitchen for the displaced people of the Industrial School accommodation center. At the same time, the committee revealed that they received food, medical equipment and medicines from the Kassala Gold Market Traders Committee.

Al-Fadl, a member of the Initiative, Ezzedine Al-Fadl confirmed in statements to the press that the work of the kitchen will continue to provide meals to the displaced and added: “There are some technical problems and they have been resolved,” indicating that work continues to prepare meals for the displaced until their conditions are reconciled by the competent authorities and they are deprived of receiving only food and medical equipment. It was handed over to the Ministry of Health and participated in supporting one of the operations for the displaced people in the center. by the Gold Market Merchants Committee, Al-Fadl explained that the charitable kitchen covers the Kassala and Karama reference accommodation centers located west of the airport and the center located around the Ministry of Agriculture, as well as the remaining number of displaced people from the gold market. Industrial Center, welcoming the support of Kassala gold merchants and philanthropists.

In this context, the head of the Kassala Gold Market Merchants Committee, Othman Ibrahim, confirmed their continued support for the displaced and explained that they had previously provided support to the charity kitchen with food supplies worth (3) million pounds. In addition to providing other food supplies and medical equipment worth (15) million pounds, he continued: “We have delivered a medical examination machine and artificial respirators). Othman noted that the work of supporting the kitchen was continuing by the committee and that the committee's second phase included the purchase of new food supplies worth more than (4,340) million pounds for the industrial school accommodation center, in addition to supporting the private school accommodation center with food supplies worth (4,300) pounds and supporting the open treatment day. in the industrial zone with medicines and laboratory equipment worth more than (3,490) million pounds, in addition to supporting the laboratory with vital medicines worth (2,386) pounds, Othman revealed his support for the displaced people of the industrial center with (510) pounds. ) heaters and (10) mosquito nets, and Othman requested that charitable people, businessmen and all groups in society must continue to support the displaced, even if it is only a little Sulafa Al-Qadi of the National Human Rights Commission welcomed the initiatives presented. by the Kassala community, philanthropists, businessmen and displaced people's organizations, and called for the need to continue supporting the growing number of displaced people.

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