Aladdin Al-Falso's Lamp – Approaches – ✍️ Dr Maryam Radwan

When dreams are betrayed, the wrinkles of life become clear, perspectives change, credibility weakens, and trust wavers. After the success of the revolution, photos of Prime Minister Abdalla Hamdok appeared in elegant frames, as a symbol of hope and change. I dug into Hamdok’s history for those erased days with every chance that he would lead Sudan to a. new phase of democracy and prosperity. Achieving stability and peaceful transfer of power, especially in terms of achieving the goals of the revolution and social justice. Many saw in him a hope for rebuilding Sudan, and that he was an inspiring leader capable of creating impact and leading change. Hamdok’s decline began after he resigned as Prime Minister of Sudan on January 2, 2022. Hamdok was unable to achieve this. Many of his promises of reform, which led to frustration among some and loss of confidence in his leadership, have meant that his role on the Sudanese scene has diminished. He has become like a Chucky doll and we have fallen into the trap of his high expectations. agreed to build his luxurious palaces in the name of the palaces of the people.

The war changed many of the concepts and priorities of the Sudanese people. Therefore, it is difficult for Abdullah Hamdok to find acceptance to return to the political scene, especially since there has been no tangible change. He had previously responded to the aspirations and desires of the people at this stage, and he began to attract controversy and criticism, which led to the decline of his star. As he failed to remove the acute sense of smell from the noses of the Sudanese, afflicted by the cold, the issue became a matter of popular decision. Therefore, all his possibilities were exhausted and he no longer had any. The chances or winning cards that he could count on have lost the price of the efforts made to refine his supporters and their shocks, as well as the claim that he is seeking a political return that has no security implications and is not in accordance with realities. In recent times, Hamdok has been retreating to his almost deserted house, and so on, between elegance and the illusion of progress, and a return to what concerns his sectarian beliefs. But the future of Sudan must be led by his honorable sons. Most of those who demand Hamdok's return are people who took advantage of opportunities and situations to achieve their personal interests, such as some politicians and the Forces of Freedom and Change who participated with him in the government. They were mainly interested in obtaining positions and sharing the Sudanese cake, as well as the supporters and those who had a hostile attitude towards the Islamists. The contempt of the Sudanese people for Hamdok is quite clear and the truth is clear to everyone. Likewise, the explosive bombs of the media and social media platforms, the extension of the hours of private media after the war, between polishing and obscuring his notoriety. There were only boring meetings and marginal tours, which had no impact on the course of reality. It seemed that many incubators had long been buried in the dunghills of the curse of history, without being alive.

We fail to show mercy with both feet, amidst the ruins of a country full of tragedies and horrors.

Aladdin, the hero of the story, loses the magic and fades away, and discovers that the true identity is that Sudanese women continue to give birth to great people and produce influential and inspiring personalities, not the Hamdok.

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