Ambassadors and Generals, an addition or reduction to Sudanese diplomacy !!!!! ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

The National Salvation Government invented the appointment of generals as Sudanese ambassadors in many countries, and I do not know why it took this step. Is it for appeasement and reconciliation of the financial situation, for courtesy, or for deportation for many hidden and unforeseen reasons for the general public?

Note that these generals have the rank of lieutenant general, and it is customary that when the lieutenant general is assigned, he receives all the financial allowances he received during his service, including his own car, his driver, his own care, a weekly fuel ration, and what is hidden is greater.

With all these financial allowances given to His Excellency the Lieutenant General, I see no reason why he should compete with the senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs for the ambassadorial seat, which they get after hard work and with years of experience exceeding three decades.

As I mentioned, the National Salvation Government awarded two members of the Revolutionary Command Council: Brigadier General Maash Salah al-Din Mohammed Ahmed Karar, Sudanese Ambassador to Bahrain, and Brigadier General Maash Suleiman Mohammed Ahmed Suleiman, Sudanese Ambassador to Syria.

The Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, went in the same direction and appointed many high-ranking generals, including but not limited to Lieutenant General Imad Adawy, former Chief of Staff, as Sudanese Ambassador to Egypt, and Lieutenant General Issam Karrar, former Commander of the Land Forces, as Sudanese Ambassador to South Sudan, Lieutenant General Duthman Yunus, former Deputy Director General of the Police Force, was appointed Sudanese Ambassador to the State of Chad, as part of the agreement. appointment of the former Director General of the National Security and Intelligence Service, Lieutenant General Mohamed Atta, as Sudanese Ambassador to Washington.

There is no doubt that these generals have experience that cannot be underestimated at all, and they are true references in their specializations, and we can benefit from them in various areas of security, especially in the field of training, which we need most.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is a specialized technical ministry with specific tasks that require personalities with certain specifications since appointment, training and qualification, and who end their professional life with the position of ambassador. It is better to leave life to his baker, even. if he is completely annihilated without leaving anything good or bad.

Appointment to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is subject to very tough conditions and precise specifications in accordance with the rules and regulations in force at the global level. When the recruit meets these conditions, he or she is subject to refresher courses to assist him or her in his or her new duties.

Leave the Foreign Office alone and let it operate under the strict controls it relies on, and remove it completely from budgets and appeasement measures.

The inclusion of high-ranking generals holding constitutional positions as state governors is somewhat acceptable in the critical security circumstances facing the country.

We must take with us the experiences of countries in how they choose their ambassadors with the utmost care. Most of them are people with expertise and knowledge in the diplomatic field and have progressed in their functions in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs until they assume the position of ambassadors.

Some countries have reservations about accepting appointments of generals to serve as ambassadors to their countries, and have preferred to appoint diplomats working in the Sudanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, due to many considerations for these host countries.

Sudanese diplomacy has achieved remarkable successes, both in peace and in war. This ancient heritage must be preserved, we must work to strengthen and support it, and we must follow its path.

There has been a decision to reduce many Sudanese diplomatic missions in some countries due to economic reasons and the inability to pay their financial dues due to the exceptional circumstances the country is going through. However, we are surprised by the appointment of many ambassadors who receive huge salaries and financial allowances.

One of the Sudanese embassies abroad was forced to cancel the rental contract of the Sudanese ambassador's house due to his inability to pay the monthly rent of the house, which amounts to $3,500 per month. Fate wanted me to be present in this country. and witness the termination of the contract.

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