Amending the constitutional document…… Will it purify it from its original abomination..?!! The most important thing is to adopt the authority of Sharia..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More

*The news says that Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, formed a committee to amend the constitutional document, and we do not know whether it was the first document (Intaj Qaht), or another one that followed it. ..?!! In any case, this (document) is still unpleasant and (unacceptable) to the vast majority of people, since there is no power or strength except in God. It was designed to be (a filthy poison) that would lead to the destruction of (Islamic rule) in Sudan and to replace it with (an immoral secularism). Indeed, its birth was a shock to all Muslims in this country who were jealous of their religion. It abolished the authority of Islamic Sharia in governance and was devoid of this religion. Basmala, which represents the good beginning of any action. This targeting of the nation's religion was not a coincidence or inadvertent) but it was a (systematic approach), if one were aware of the (bad) intentions and statements of some shameless symbols who declared their (rejection) of the Islamic orientation of the nation..!!*

*It would have been better to cancel this document completely and build on its ruins a draft (interim constitution) to manage the transitional period until the holding of the parliamentary and presidential (elections), and then the Parliament would be responsible for preparing the (permanent constitution), discussing it, and (approving it)… But when the President of the Sovereignty Council had the opinion (Amend the aforementioned document. It is therefore very important that the amendment includes an explicit and clear text, (with reference to the Islamic Sharia) in the administration of the state and the promulgation of laws and everything that concerns the Muslim majority of this country, and that its (new architecture) is free from all (secular mines) that have been laid in the places wrongly mentioned. first document…if the amendment does not cancel the mines of (sedition) inside the old rag, it becomes worthless and no good can be expected for the people and the country..!!

*By the glory of God in His Kingdom, Who has raised the heavens without pillars, if the guardians of the (neglected) country were to side with the religion of the nation and adopt the (reference) of Islamic law in the conduct of public life, and have treated this important matter with (cautions), hesitations or delays, then (stability and security) This country will never exist, and we will not (anticipate) the hoped-for future of our nation, and we have the sermon and lesson on the situation (of war) that has dragged us and the (misfortunes) that it has brought upon us. So, beware, O proofs and leaders, and do not underestimate the authority and authority of religion… If you support. God, He will be your support… except… We have arrived, O God, bear witness..!!*

*We will write and write…!!!*

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