America and Fourth Generation Wars – in Reality – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, Lawyer

April 20….

House of Representatives Foreign Relations Committees

American sheikhs urgently demanded…

Impose sanctions on the rebel forces and its leader…

For committing human rights violations…

He examined his financial networks and sources of income…

And assess the extent of the sanctions that will be imposed on it, by submitting

A detailed explanation of the sanctions…

The deadline granted to the American president expires

Next August 20th…

Does it do so by imposing effective sanctions?

This step falls under the Magnitsky Act.

America briefly addressed the conflict between the two camps…

Not between a national army and rebel forces…

Crisis management has not tended to develop solutions…

She used it for her purposes, with an idea that did not belong to the values…

She didn't want any party to win…

As happened in Iraq, Iran has led to attrition…

As if Sudan was no longer important to her…

The fight against terrorism has fallen down the list of priorities…

Before the war, America managed the crisis…

Through its ambassador, international organizations and its clients…

This fuels the conflict between us and leads us to the Holocaust…

Encourages confrontation while supporting everyone

Parties in complete confidentiality…

Entering into a conflict and then prolonging it…

As in Somalia, Yemen and Libya.

Despite its long reach on an immediate solution…

You did not intervene to impose the decisions of the Jeddah agreement…

She left the rope on the boat and didn't care…

Let the destruction continue and the exhaustion of capacities…

For a trivial slippery slope to manage the crisis with the intention of spending the night there…

May souls continue to be claimed, while the world remains silent…

America must be more resolute and determined…

If she wanted, she could have put out the fire or fanned it…

Bypass Jeddah platform and add new parties

In Switzerland in mid-August…

In the presence of the African Union/United Nations

As an observer/Egypt/UAE…

To end violence, provide help

Humanity and the development of a surveillance mechanism…

To ensure the implementation of the agreements concluded there…

It is a crisis management line rather than a solution…

America does not care about the starvation that is affecting the population…

There is no destruction of crops, offspring, lands and servants…

No hope, no terrible and bloody scenes…

His interests prevail over values ​​and principles…

This nullifies all the laws you know…

She drops her measure, the parties underestimate her affairs.

Max, a military affairs expert, said…

Traditional warfare has become a thing of the past…

What is new is the fourth generation of warfare…

He is destroying the military establishment through exhaustion…

Slow exhaustion, without ceiling or limit…

America aims to weaken it to make it easier to swallow…

Do not accept the army's victory, but rather weaken it completely.

Then dictate to him the humiliating conditions of submission…

The American president granted (4) months after a year

Almost since the beginning of the war, the management of the crisis…

This does not in any way mean the solution and the imposition of the will…

There is no winner, but a war that exhausts the country…

She writes chapters of extreme misery and complexity…

She paints scenes, a dark fate and no life…

What is said in the light is the opposite of what is said in the basements…

Moral and religious standards are not compatible with them…

In the basements, modesty fades and conspiracy takes over…

This creates a machine of death and destruction for tyrants…

In order to implement programs that satisfy America…

The well-being of his people will be affected, even if only in pieces…

He who believes in it is mistaken, he who covers it is naked…

Don't tell me the elections put pressure on the president

Whether the current one goes or someone else comes…

Macroeconomic policies do not change, the devil lies

In details…

Castro also said that these are two shoes that he wears

One person, America is like that…

The goals and strategies do not change either.

Methods and tools can be modified…

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