America is causing unrest all over the world… and prefers to play the role of the devil, rightly so… with the myth of Israel's interests and security..!! – Clearly – ✍️ Fath Al-Rahman Al-Nahhas See More


*America has in its hands many opportunities and keys that ensure it the “best and most advanced” relations with all countries of the world. It is the superpower that “domesticates” in its entity the leadership of the free world with its democratic approach. and its “superiority” in the fields of finance, economy, industry, trade, (advanced) weapons and various other fields (organic products) that are exported to world markets with high specifications, in addition to (the attractiveness) of human migration to them from the countries of the world in search of luxury. All these (incentives) represent a (safe entry) for America to all peoples and countries of the world. Therefore, America does not need to play (the role of Satan) by proxy, and (cut) these incentives (with its thick boots), so that it turns into a full-bodied devil who works to stir up unrest and (unrest) in the world through (direct) interventions in the sovereignty of countries militarily or through agents, mercenaries or dictatorial regimes Or impose the policy of the interlocutors..!!*


*In the Middle East, America's “hegemony” is manifested by imposing its “coercive guardianship” over the region, and by fattening and “inflating” the Israeli Zionist entity with money and advanced weapons to commit the “ugliest” crimes of the time against the Palestinian people, and to be its “evil policeman” keeping “ignorance” of what you call America's interests in the region, and at the same time using (a lie) what is called Israel's security as (a means) to oppress the peoples and establish the sovereignty of states over their lands, while neither America nor its protégé (pampered) Israel remember that this (so-called security) will never belong to Israel as long as it occupies Arab lands and kills its inhabitants and destroys its homes and facilities. How can America claim to be the leader of the free world and the mother of democracy, when its occupation and crimes in Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan, the initiation of wars and its role (as dirty intelligence) in other countries are in the hands of the world?!!


*So how can a big state have on its back a small (Jewish-Zionist) entity, which also masters (the devil's artifices) in the Arab region and stirs up (sedition and devastation) in the world and drags America into this region? its path (of aggression) against Islam and Muslims in the world, under (a lie) the fight against terrorism despite the fact that terrorism is an (industry, practice and partnership) between America and the bloodsucking Zionists. Here we ask America why it refuses to condemn the brutal supporting militia and why it refuses to classify it as a terrorist organization..?!!*


*America and its ally Israel, even if they “gather” the whole world to their side and “exterminate” all the Muslims in the world, will not be able to eliminate Islam, the religion of God on earth, because they do not remember that they are smaller than a “grain of dust” before the power and will of God, and that they are called to (disappear) and that the Muslims are the heirs of the earth… How ignorant I am of you, O Jews, and of the successive American administrations in the White House, if you ever thought that the arrogance, arrogance and oppression of the peoples would prevent you from (your certain end) by the will and ability of God… And history has a long sermon and a long lesson. if you read history..!!

*We will write and write…!!!*

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