America is the worst option – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zein Al-Abidin, lawyer

Relations between our country and America have been discordant for

Since 1983…

America raised its stick and applied pressure…

Then the sanctions map was published and it has been applied ever since.

He continued to restrict us, block us and thwart us…

In economics/agriculture/industry/banking…

Which led to international and regional isolation that had a significant impact…

Its repercussions continue to be profound…

Investment companies are no longer leaving…

International funds did not accept aid

We were not given any loans…

This has led to a deterioration and decline in living standards…

America has a bad role in the separation of the South…

Seven billion dollars have been taken from our resources…

Sure, it lights the match, adds firewood…

In Darfur/Blue Nile/South Kordofan…

What has been mentioned is known to all…

America is our greatest enemy and the one plotting the plot…

Plotting, maneuvering and throwing ashes in the eyes…

Losses were estimated at $400 million…

You blackmailed us into paying $335 million…

To the families of his victims in the Kenyan embassies

Tanzania and the accusation has not been proven…

Hamdok filmed it with a strange stupidity…

She does not want good for the country, she is afflicted with evil…

If we do for her some of what she wants, she will just accept…

By stealing our resources, trampling on our sovereignty and wallowing in it…

To lead us like an animal by the snout…

War broke out and I supported the rebellion without compunction.

I supported him against the legitimacy represented by the army…

Legitimacy derived from the country's constitution…

But she twisted the neck of the truth, she made it of him

In return for the army in the Jeddah negotiations…

The army made a mistake in succumbing to this plot…

An agenda has been agreed and must be implemented…

The rebellion refused to be implemented and continued the hostility…

What did he put in the circle of the slow presser foot?

The killings, the displacements, the displacements, continued…

We were waiting for the implementation of the results of the Jeddah agreement…

America disavowed and the initial rebellion remained silent…

After more than a year, I asked for negotiations in Geneva…

You want us to go back to square one and then we won't leave…

African Union imposed, United Arab Emirates are enemies

The country has clear evidence as observers…

The rebellion is waging a proxy war on behalf of the United Arab Emirates…

The African Union has no power…

A submissive follower who cannot tell the truth…

America itself is an enemy waging war on us…

Not neutral, the indicators are clear as the sun…

The delegation returned from Jeddah feeling this hostility…

No conclusions have been reached for the start of the Geneva session…

The government's vision is very transparent…

Geneva is not an alternative to the Jeddah platform and application

Results of the Jeddah Agreement…

Negotiations are being conducted with the rebellion by a government delegation…

Managing the country through the current government…

The army's rebellion negotiations under the name of Sonno will not be repeated…

Negotiating with the enemy as an adversary is foolish…

This means giving him power in your destiny…

America will only accept it if we implement and obey its orders.

Unless you undress us so we can be naked…

Then you break the hymen of the country's sovereignty as an enemy…

And throw our clothes out the dark window…

It is impossible, you will not desecrate our honor…

We accept negotiations without diktat or hegemony…

In his book America between Truth and Lies

Anatole Levin said…

America's behavior is both a sign of unity and disunity

In one go…

A Christian civil force that deals with morality

Principles according to religion…

The second is fanatical, without principles, without morals…

A chauvinism haunted by a racist obsession…

In the last description you are dealing with us, and we do not understand…

The experiences indicate the same hostile nature…

Don't expect good from it, but evil is always…

Let the rebellion and the rebels negotiate, we will not negotiate

According to a humiliating satanic vision…

Negotiations with America have become bogged down in the sea…

She gives you with the right and takes you with the left…

It is not about the suffering of the people, but rather about their interests.

A state without morals or conscience…

Let's understand that this is always the worst option…

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