American Acquiescence, Grievances and the Minister's Injustice – The Edge of the Sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq

0 In more than ten articles, I continued to write that America always stands with the strong, not the weak, and I said that the position of Sudan, led by Lieutenant General Rukn al-Burhan, Chairman of the Sovereign Council and Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, is a firm and correct position, which is not to respond immediately to the decisions that America demands and that force Sudan to submit. In fact, in many articles, I continued to call for rapprochement with Russia, China, Iran, Turkey and other countries with weight and influence that would cause America to compromise in its demands and change its harsh tone towards Sudan.

0 What we said is true. US Secretary of State Blicken said that they recognize that Lieutenant General Al-Burhan is the real president of Sudan and that he will be treated and approached as such.

0 Prior to Blinken’s statements, US envoy to Sudan Tom Perriello had said that the Sudanese army is an institution with a history in Sudan and abroad, and that rapid support has no future in Sudan, indicating that rapid support has a history linked to genocide and ethnic cleansing in Darfur. However, leaks and press reports indicate that the planned Geneva talks between the armed forces and the rapid support militia will be built on the foundations of the Jeddah agreement, with everything stated and agreed therein.

0 Lieutenant General Al-Burhan managed to find himself in the executive cabin that, God willing, will make Sudan safe, especially after the American subjugation and submission to the conditions of the Sudanese government. And, God willing, victory will be achieved. and Sudan will come back stronger and stronger. In the presence of His Majesty, it is pleasant to sit.

The minister filed a complaint and was wronged


0 I learned from some police sources that the Minister of Interior, Major General (M) Khalil Sairin, was subjected to injustice during his work at the customs and was unfairly retired. If we had known this at the time, we would have done so. I stood by his side, defending him and supporting him to remove the injustice against him, because injustice is injustice, but unfortunately, it was Minister Khalil who was subjected to injustice. He himself filed complaints after his appointment as minister, according to which Lieutenant General Adam had been wronged. by the honorable Adam, Director General of the Customs Forces, and forced him to stay at home because he was sick, even though it was the decision of the attending physician or (the medical advisor) and not the decision of the minister, who instead of honoring Lieutenant General Adam, who had only a few months left, his reward is unfortunately a forced stay in his house, even though the man, thanks to God and the prayers of the faithful, returned in good health, and that. It is possible for him to continue his work with all patriotism and determination and to achieve more successes that will remain immortal in the minds of the people as cascades of loyalty, sources of love and sources of kindness. Despite the many articles dealing with the injustice suffered by Lieutenant General According to Al-Karim and the demands of the Sovereign Council to repair the injustice against him, we have not yet heard from the esteemed Sovereign Council anyone who does justice to this man. Not because the press covered his story, but to fulfill the truth and history and end the injustice he suffered instead of honoring and celebrating him. The members of the Sovereign Council, who are seen reviewing and not backing down, have the right to repay the man for his grievances so that he can continue his work until he reaches his pension, even if he only has one week left, and that he will receive a tribute commensurate with the effort and work he has put in. You are responsible before God to be just to the people. (And do not let the affairs of a people tempt you not to be just. Be just. This is closer to piety.)

0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. And the God of intention behind.

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