Ammar Sheila, a journalist with unique morals and ethics ✍️ Muhammad Othman Al-Radi

Our colleague Ammar Fath al-Rahman Sheila is a talented journalist, distinguished by a strong personality in decision-making and an ability to adapt and tame difficulties and crises.

Our colleague Ammar Fath al-Rahman Sheila knows no hesitation, no fear, no fear, and he knows exactly when to say no and when to say yes.

I lived closely with him when he was director of the Blue Nile Channel, through which he achieved remarkable successes at a time when his peers and equals in the media community could not.

I had the opportunity to watch the After Print program, which has an analytical nature on the course of events and to follow the most important things covered by the Sudanese press (may God restore its alienation).

My opinions on the program after its publication were very limited and the program was monopolized by specific journalists who lived on screen for almost three decades and had not changed, as if Eve, the Sudanese journalist, was sterilized from the birth of a new analyst.

I followed the decision of the Council of Ministers to appoint Mr. Ammar Fath al-Rahman Shila as head of the Sudanese television sector. Certainly, the decision was a success and a choice that pleased his family and gave me bread to live on (we hope he doesn't eat all the bread).

Mr. Ammar Sheila, the task you are going to undertake is not impossible, but at the same time it is not easy, because it requires enormous effort to achieve breakthroughs.

Sudanese television in wartime is not the same as in peacetime. A fundamental change must be made in terms of programs that keep pace with the war period.

Sudanese television must be reconfigured in terms of personnel, programs, content and substance, and it must express the current situation with truth and truth.

I advise you, Professor Ammar Sheila, to stay away from cliques, not to mortgage yourself to them, to stay away from negative personal classifications and impressions and not to engage in politics (if you do not you are not with me, then you are against me).

Professor Amar Sheila, take people home, treat them with humility, do not look at them from the ivory tower, do not look down on or oppress anyone in order to gain everyone's respect.

You will face crossroads and barricades from the enemies of success, so pay attention to them and continue your path with confidence, and success will certainly be your ally, God willing.

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