Ammar Sheila and the story of Salehin ✍️ Bakri Al Madani

*During the fall of Khartoum, Mr. Ammar Sheila reestablished the broadcast by which he maintained the information equation from Port Sudan, and as it was estimated that the return would first be on national television, the The man did not take away the courage of the institution, but rather he ruled the national media from Sudanese television.*

*What Ammar Sheila has done, and what we have failed to do, makes him safe on national television and in the national media, and this is an advantage over Sheila's unique administrative and media capabilities , who participated in the management of one of the most successful channels – Blue Nile – in recent years before leading it alone from afar, and in this Testimony published today from the general of the Sudanese media, our professor Hassan Fadl Al -Mawla*.

*The confusion that accompanied Ammar Sheila's mission to manage the television sector within the Radio and Television Authority is being questioned by the Council of Ministers to which the authority is affiliated. Perhaps President Al-Burhan's signal was to entrust Sheila with the management of television. for the reasons I mentioned above, provided that Al-Bazai retains his experience and management of the General Authority, and under it are the radio and television sectors, which required the revision of the Authority's law and the announcement of the new amendment, but the Ministerial Council put this decision into practice. the green was cut by missing the signal, which caused confusion and re-staging*!!

*In any case – the error is normal and possible – given the strong pressures and overlapping authorities, and it is not the first nor the biggest error in the history of appointments, and from within of the court, the memory preserves the error of President Numeiri in appointing Salihin as Minister of Information, and the intention was Al-Salahi, and the former achieved incredible success, while the former maintained his high position *!!

*Congratulations to the television if it is presented by Mr. Ammar Sheila. It comes at a time when creativity is truly born from the womb of suffering, and we will return to the suffering of our television colleagues and the suffering of television. in light of the needs and the existing situation*!!

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