Ammar Sheila, Sheila, Sheila.. Bring him back to the Blue Nile

Ammar Fathi Sheila, graduated from Cairo University – Arts 2003. He entered the media world since 1999 in journalism through Public Opinion and Events and Khartoum. He also worked as editor-in-chief of Al-Multaqa magazine and correspondent for Al-. Shorouk TV from Cairo from 2007 until he was chosen as the director of programs of Blue Nile Channel.

We consider his selection by Blue Nile Channel as a merit and a natural progression after many years of working in television and the media in general.

I was hopeful after the appointment of Mr. Ammar Sheila, the director of programs on the Blue Nile channel, in the period before the overthrow of the Al-Bashir regime, and I introduced myself to him and Blue Nile through the program (Telenet) in preparation and production, as the first specialized television program on the Internet. The idea of ​​the program is to make the most of the enormous potential of technical and network development to meet the needs of public and private institutions, individuals, and ministries, leading to electronic governance… in an appropriate manner to serve the state and society, using resources and saving time and effort to complete tasks, according to “the standards of quality and excellence.”

With his usual calm, insight and professionalism, he approved the program and his idea and asked me to start and follow the procedures leading to the actual broadcasting of Telenet.

With incredible actions and efforts, myself and my esteemed media teacher:

Muhammad Othman Al-Imam and the innovators Moaz Hemedti and Tariq Arbab were able to reach a number of institutions, banks and think tanks, who expressed their full readiness to support the idea of ​​the program and participate in it, convinced of the desired and expected benefits of such media ideas, which would achieve goals that are in the national interest, the development of the economy and development, through the doors of media and technology… The preparation for the broadcast was interrupted at that time due to the instability of security and economic conditions, until efforts were resumed at the appropriate time.

The proof is that government television channels restrict ideas and it is difficult to make decisions other than through a squirrel mechanism, with which many possible achievements are lost, which requires speed in decision-making and support, according to “the cumulative experiences of the leaders of television channels.” The following is the choice of models, programming, initiative, competition and attracting sponsors. This is what we considered a success in the Blue Nile Channel experience, through the vision and management of Visual Media General: the former. director of Blue Nile Channel.

Professor Hassan Fadl Al-Mawla, who wrote

Following the first announcement of the appointment of Professor Ammar Sheila on national television


A testimony against Sheila, saying: “I congratulate my brother Ammar Sheila and I pray that he succeeds and succeeds in running Sudanese television, which is a mission on which people are divided between happiness, pity and aggrandizement.”

Whoever is happy with the decision is, in my opinion, right in his happiness, and whoever is complained about this mission, may he be in peace, and whoever finds this position too much for him has, in my opinion, positions that make him worthy of this and more.” Fadl al-Mawla added: “One of the situations that speaks most about the qualities of people is their commitment to work and they did it. We worked together for many years, in very complex circumstances. Each time I found him in control of his spinning, in control and deepening his choices, in control and sure of what he was doing, in control and diligent in what was entrusted to him, and turning away from what was of no use to him, and if he turned away, he did not turn back and was not dissuaded by persistent insistence, and each time you approach him, you find in him a maturity, a deliberation, a sophistication and an elegance rarely accessible to someone his age, and you find his thoughts organized and a coherent beginning and end. If he is given a choice between two things, he chooses the more beautiful of them, and if he is given a choice between two things, he chooses the more revealing of them. He is not partisan, he is organized. , he gets angry, and he is shaded by a simplicity tinged with elegance, and he gives you all the appreciation and respect, whether I were his boss or his predecessor, and that was his approach to me, and it is something that I remember about him with all my gratitude,” and he added: “My advice is to penetrate gently, to lead and to approach, because it is in the hands of people who approach you as close as you approach them, and they underestimate you if they reach out to you out of disdain (End) )

I cannot congratulate or congratulate Professor Ammar Sheila, nor follow those who lived him, lived with him and worked with him, and despite my experience with him which is not yet complete,

I am almost certain to say that Professor Ammar Sheila, his position, his stability, his efforts, his thinking and his skills

Its special feature is the Blue Nile Canal, and nothing else but the Blue Nile Canal, throughout its long history, in the broadcasting and administrative success associated with investments in the media field.

In which Sheila E (Blue Nile) added professional ethical content related to people's concerns through his program (as follows), and many programs that he approved and supported, which are close to the lineage of entertainment and singing, to design a model through which it achieves the public and private goals of a television channel that occupied a place It was told in the heart and entrusted to the person of Sudan..,,

And in continuity with what was initiated and written by Professor Hassan Fadl Al-Mawla.

In my view, which I assume to be objective, national television, in its usual form, its complex procedures and strict regulations, if they do not change, do not serve the policies of modern media, which have become competitive with ethical and immoral platforms, and combine contradictions such as Facebook, Tik Tok and other platforms.

National television is almost a graveyard of talents and bold ideas. Ammar Sheila must remain in the Blue Nile as a director or program director, or as a producer and preparer. It does not matter what the name is, as long as there is an audience. the effort and the effort, the success, reflected on the screen, its followers and its effects,

A successful personality is like a flower that grows only in temperate climates, and the government media in third world countries are far beyond understanding the pulse of society, its needs and desires.

My brother Ammar, return to the flowing blue, and continue there, swimming and diving, on the surface and in the depths.

To guide us to realms of brilliance, magic, light and benefit. We hope you will help them during and after the troubles of this damn war. We need you with the governments and their agencies who know best who will help them. So be for us, as we promised you. Without restriction, she speaks to us of our concerns and seeks to resolve them She shares with us life, its sweets and its bitters, beyond the Blue Nile… to which she added: and as Al-Rifai said:

If you add nothing to life, you are its enemy.

My voice:

(Bring back Ammar Sheila)..

Is there an answer???

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