An ambitious young man named Abu Dhar Al-Kawda – the edge of the sword – ✍️ Muhammad Al-Sadiq
0 I don't tend to write much about people, but sometimes a person feels compelled to write about certain people, especially those who suffer injustice or a violation of the rights of others. The press has taught us to criticize in the public interest, to do justice to those who deserve justice, to advise those who deserve advice, and to praise those who deserve praise.
0 Today I am writing about an ambitious young man who has made his mark in Sudan and outside. He is Dr. Abu Dhar Al-Kawda, the owner of the Abu Dhar Al-Kawda Educational Foundation. Who started from a secondary school and then managed to turn it into a major educational institution starting with kindergarten and ending with university. The first time I met this ambitious and successful young man, I rushed to a celebration of his organization at the Youth and Children's Palace to honor the outstanding students. I think he presented a car award to the first group. I also honored some teachers by buying houses, if I remember correctly. The first time I spoke to him was on the phone with my dear brother and friend, his brother, Omar Al-Kouda. And then I have not met him yet.
0 Dr. Abu Dhar is a living example of brilliant graduates for future generations, God willing, as his schools have continued to occupy the top ranks at the end of each educational season.
0 It is certain that what Dr. Abu Dhar achieved did not come from a vacuum, coincidence or a stroke of luck, but rather from efforts, plans, programs and determination to succeed, and God granted him this success, as when last week he held a lavish celebration in Al-Moez in Cairo after converting his schools, in order to honor the outstanding students. The teachers, administrators, mentors and supervisors were given half a million Egyptian pounds. In my opinion, the value is not in money, but in encouraging the creation of human cadres that benefit the nation through science and education at the state level, by continuously improving it, by raising students to a high scientific, cultural, professional and social bases and preserving the student's national identity. Abu Dhar Foundation has adopted an approach to the development of education, profession and training, and a commitment to continuous improvement, which is essential to the success of the educational process. The success of education not only shapes the future of individuals, but also affects the progress, prosperity and development of nations.
0 In my opinion, the success achieved by the Abu Dhar Al-Kouda Foundation lies in its use of consultants, experts and specialists in special education, and it has contributed to supporting people with special needs, providing them with all the necessary support systems to ensure that every student has an equal opportunity to succeed through innovative teaching and development methods and benefiting from the world of technology.
0 We are very happy with the success of this young doctor who is doing everything he can to produce generations that will lead the country in the near future, God willing. May God grant you success, my brother Dr. Abu Dhar, in serving the country and the people, with wishes for further progress and prosperity.
Knowledge builds a house without pillars
Ignorance destroys the house of pride and honor.
0 Tomorrow, God willing, we will continue if there is any remnant of life left. And the God of intention behind.