An Open Letter to the Lord and Governor of Khartoum State. The Honorable ✍️ Dr. /Abbas Taha Hamza Sobeer

God’s peace, mercy and blessings….

First of all, we greatly appreciate the appreciated efforts you are making on all fronts of the battle for Saleh's dignity. The Sudanese people, since the beginning of the aggression, have sinned against Sudan and its people, the latest being your kick-off for the beginning of the reconstruction of what was destroyed by the war of the global conspiracy imposed on the Sudanese people, which they are fighting with unprecedented bravery, in which they have made enormous sacrifices of lives, blood, body parts and honor, and have lacked money, souls and fruits, and have destroyed private and public infrastructure and property. ..

The parties to the global conspiracy led by the Rapid Support, supported and authentically by countries, organizations and traitors to our own people, including parties and individuals… All these parties were exposed and the details of their roles were revealed, and with the documents, the representative of Sudan to the international organization, the righteous son of Sudan, Ambassador Al-Harith, and these documents that criminalized these parties were approved. Adopted by the international community…

Mr. Governor… in view of what has been mentioned above, I firmly believe that the time has come to start, on the right foot, to lead the legal battlefield of dignity and to file complaints in the competent courts against the United Arab Emirates and the rest of the parties to the global conspiracy against Sudan, with the aim of obtaining adequate and sufficient compensation to restore all the destruction that has occurred in private and public property and all crimes, including murder, looting, theft, rape, intimidation, and all physical and psychological damage…

As long as the legal costs must be paid to the parties who caused these crimes, namely the UAE and its partners in the crimes… it would be very helpful to have the best international lawyers from America, Great Brittany and France. and others within the legal framework of the battle for dignity, while allowing them complete freedom in setting the cost cap of their legal fees in winning cases against the UAE, with the importance for these lawyers to file secondary lawsuits to be seized. UAE funds in all banks around the world, as well as their gold savings, especially the gold stolen from Sudan… all this is intended to ensure compliance with the trillion-dollar compensation for profit of the oppressed Sudanese people. .

In conclusion, we ask the Governor to seek today before tomorrow with the Sovereignty Council to form a legal Karama combat team to fight this battle, accompanied by all the great sacrifices made by the Sudanese people, who are of a unprecedented solidarity with his army. and the rest of the parties to the Battle of Karama.

God is Great, and the glory and dignity belong to the Sudanese people and their armed forces… and shame and disgrace to all those who participated in the murder of the Sudanese people, even if only half a word , and the eyes of cowards did not. sleep.

Dr. Abbas Taha Hamza

University of Khartoum

Member of the Youth Platform for Construction and National Development…

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