Anti-Corruption Prosecution Calls on General Union to Reveal Facts About Jute Case – The Blue Jewel – ✍️ Aziz Al-Khair

The issue of burlap and corruption within the General Union is back in the spotlight after the head of the Red Sea State Anti-Corruption and Public Funds Offenses Prosecution sent to Port Sudan.. the headquarters of the current General Union.. A request for a statement to the Deputy Minister of Financial Affairs of the Sudanese General Union requesting the following..

Who received the proceeds from the sale of certificates regarding the approval of jute cell phone containers.

A supply portfolio, account number, bank from which the supply was made and the branch of the union are required….

That's where the testimony of the head of the anti-corruption prosecution ended. The ball is now in the Football Association's court.

Will the General Union continue to evade the answer, or will it respond and reveal the facts and reveal the facts to the public and people will know the story of this strange and strange case, noting that the jute containers related to this case are worth about 400 thousand dollars. They belong to His Excellency Consul Hazem Mustafa, former president of Al-Merreikh Club and a well-known social and national figure.

The Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office has the right to order the identification, monitoring or evaluation of suspicious funds, products and media, or their equivalent value, or their seizure or freezing if they result from or are related to the crime, without prior notification to their owner, and to order a travel ban until the end of the investigation or trial. The Public Prosecutor's Office and the competent court, depending on the circumstances and when necessary, may make decisions that would prevent the use or disposal of these funds, products and media, and take the necessary measures to prevent any behavior aimed at evading the freezing or seizure orders issued against them, without prejudice to the rights of others in good faith. With these clear orders from the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office, the issue of burlap has become a matter of public opinion at the level of athletes, and. at the customs, port and Ministry of Finance level… a matter that has now taken an official legal form and the highest authority responsible for corruption in the country has intervened… Prosecution requests for corruption This will reveal what is hidden and people will discover the biggest corruption operation in Sudanese sports… A story stranger than fiction The jute canvas sold without the buyer's knowledge… The jute canvas sold without specifying its amount… The jute canvas sold in all stupidity and recklessness. The seller is the support committee of the junior national team, and the buyer is a merchant unknown until now. But the coming days will reveal the secret and mystery of this merchant, who bought jute canvas worth several hundred thousand dollars at low prices. millions, as one of the committee members says.

The merchant who bought the burlap for days will be investigated and investigated, and he will reveal the truth that everyone is waiting for… He will determine who is the seller, who is the buyer, and who has been appointed by the General Union to complete these procedures, and the facts will be revealed, and the secrets will be known, and after that he will find out. Everyone knows the truth about the story, and public opinion knows the whole truth about this corruption, which will open other doors and other problems. The statement of the accusation to the General Union will reveal what is hidden.

Who received the money for the sale of the amendments? A very important and very difficult question for the General Union.

The prosecution requested the supply portfolio, the account number, the bank where the supply was made and the branch of the union.

Each answer will reveal to you the secrets of corruption and manipulation of public funds.

From the current events, it seems that serious and unexpected surprises will arise, and I believe that the prosecution for corruption will find all the cooperation of the official authorities, customs, banks and the Ministry of Finance, in order to solve the case. We will not criminalize anyone now, but we will wait until the hidden thing is revealed and the truth is revealed. And know the case from A to Z. From the prosecution for corruption…

The prosecution's decision made it clear that there is something that deserves scrutiny, attention and a request for information, as long as the prosecution is present in

Port Sudan is the place of the story, and the containers, bags, finances, customs and warehouses will reveal the whole truth in the coming days.

At this time, every event is new.

Just a question: who is the person authorized by the Union to receive and clear the jute, and what is his relationship with the Union? Does the Union know that there is a person authorized by it to follow the procedures, clear the goods and receive them, and who is this person?? We refuse to reveal the names to maintain legal procedures.

Just one more question: Did the Finance Minister's Office certify these containers for the General Union, and is there any other party other than the Finance Minister that certifies them?

Customs and Ports are talking about stopping the certification of federations and clubs on behalf of those whose containers were certified at the General Federation….

The corruption prosecution service is currently carrying out the necessary work.

*Dear God*


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