Anyone who thought the fox had a religion was stupid – in fact – ✍️ Yasser Zain Al-Abidin, the lawyer

In 2011, Ghannouchi, in front of a rally of his party…

After the Ennahda party gained the trust of the people, he declared…

There is no justification for the term political Islam today…

He patiently read the reality and the variables and thought…

His party began to adapt to the country's circumstances…

He did not abandon his principles, he conducted a transparent dialogue…

He had an eye on the inside and the outside…

On the other hand, we have this country in crisis…

The Islamists began to rule with a big lie.

Al-Bashir went to the palace as president through a masquerade…

Al-Turabi is imprisoned in the same scene…

A believer does evil but does not lie…

The rescuers lied to achieve their goals…

They monopolized power in a religion with the intention of…

Eliminate other religions with the same understanding…

They established a fascist regime that does not recognize humanity… The racists, the Safavids, and what was hidden was even greater…

They accepted the political benefits of violence.

They appealed more to feelings than to minds…

They exploited the power of religion over souls…

For them, religion was at the service of politics…

With a careful examination of political reality and life.

The conflict within society has returned to religion…

Politics is a temporal power limited to the world…

Religion is a spiritual authority that extends beyond life…

Combining the two is a sin with suspicious intent…

The price is high to exploit this idea…

Minds were corrupted, beliefs were corrupted and values ​​were dead.

The foundations on which the rules were built have collapsed…

And the Islam they promoted became false and people did not believe in it…

There are skins painted with mirage fear…

As a result, religiosity has declined among some…

Their goods are as bad as they are contrary to religion…

They failed to provide an acceptable and realistic model…

People grope for their way…

The truth is known only in the presence of lies…

Honesty is fraught with trials and suffering…

The darkness of night is inevitably followed by the light of dawn…

Mercy has been taken away from them and their actions are heinous…

The people drank cups of bitterness and humiliation…

They have imposed the reality of fear on those who say with sorrow…

They exploited state institutions to their advantage…

Children drowned in the river and the tyrant dances…

He did not provide them with a safe way to cross the river…

Ibn Al-Khattab said it, the horsemen rode it…

If I found a mule, Omar would ask God about it…

The Nile swallowed them up, sadness enveloped the houses…

They killed the feelings of the individual.

They refused to create an independent entity…

They left him still broken and unconscious…

They left him as a mute disciple who could not speak with his ears…

Our economic plans have collapsed…

The spirits have emigrated abroad and they have been restricted…

Hundreds of thousands of people died because of a lie they called jihad…

Sheba's hands divide people and tear the fabric…

They touched people…

They granted preferential privileges to their institutions…

Their civilizational project is a lie…

They did not suffer a crisis of conscience following their failure…

Islam is innocent of their identical theories…

The actions and words they used are unlike him…

Their legislation did not cite its justice…

It was a gateway to implement hidden agendas…

He who lies in the beginning lies until the end…

This is an Islam that we reject. It is a bitter deception…

The illusion of religion no longer comes through songs…

Neither sing songs nor chants…

Nor the faded writings that seem to be flaking off…

Islam is not firmly anchored in hearts and confirmed by action…

There is a difference between what is firmly anchored in their hearts and their actions…

We will not accept deception, you will not be deceived, we have lived it

We have learned to take advantage of circumstances…

Who wants to come back to me through the door of war?

The decision will not pass…

Who believes that criminalizing others through pressure

They have to figure out their path and it won't happen…

Who is exposed to army command when you decide?

A new path that will not be mistaken…

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