Application of Business Process Engineering (Engineering) in Sudan ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

The world we live in is witnessing many successive and rapid developments and changes in all businesses and services, which has led to progress and improvements whose impact has been reflected in many businesses and has led to higher production rates and indicators, in addition to the quality and low cost of performance of all institutions in the public and private sectors in most developed countries, through the application of new scientific theories and methods, institutions and companies can adopt the idea or method of change engineering that depends on radical and rapid change of important processes in institutions and companies. It is recommended that the change be radical so that the desired results can be achieved in a simpler and faster way in terms of quality of service and goods and lack of cost. the impact on the beneficiary of these services, and this is done according to a scientifically studied method to achieve the set objectives.

Rapid change being one of the requirements of business organizations of this era, adoption of change engineering method is considered as one of the essential methods to bring about transformations and changes in institutions and businesses. To ensure the success of the change engineering method, it must be. adopted by senior management, so as not to thwart any unusual thinking… Bureaucracy or self-interest This fundamental change is known as engineering.

It goes without saying that the wind of change blowing in the business world today is the real engine and driving force behind engineering projects worldwide, as shown by the results of a global survey conducted in the 1990s among a large number of international business leaders. that engineering was at the top of the list of efforts made by various companies and organizations to cope with the changes that are shaking up the global market, and it is no wonder that it is said that change is constant, and this is a correct and true reality. phrase with two contradictory words. Change includes all aspects of practical life, starting with the customer, passing through competitors and ending with the surrounding work environment. When it comes to the customer or client, as some call him, no one objects that today's customer. is not yesterday's customer, today's customer is very demanding, competent, difficult to satisfy, easy to lose, and returning and retaining him is expensive. This is only a natural result of the technological and information revolution that has increased customer awareness of products and services around it, as well as intense competition in markets and the capture of consumer attention in the business world, this has led to demonstrating the need for continuous change as an important necessity for the survival and continuity of Sudan. its aspiration for economic openness to the world, must understand these concepts and apply the principles and foundations of engineering to many institutions, it has become an inevitable necessity so that they can keep up with the development and progress that has occurred in the world.

Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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