Applying Employment Empowerment with Scientific Concept in Sudan ✍️ Applying Employment Empowerment with Scientific Concept in Sudan

Empowerment is known in English as Empowerment, and it is one of the means used to strengthen the role of employees in collective decision-making within institutions, which contributes to increasing their efficiency and efficiency at work.
Empowerment is also defined as granting workers temporary authority, or a professional role, to express their opinions on the nature of the work, which allows them to influence the final results, which will be obtained after the implementation of one of the opinions.
Other definitions of the notion of empowerment include: supporting the efficiency of the employee by allowing them to acquire autonomy within the work environment, while ensuring that they maintain the development of their performance, and benefiting from his experience to achieve the objectives required of him and the solid bases of empowerment, which are as follows:
1. Necessary skills: These are all the cognitive and scientific skills that employees possess, which make them capable of carrying out the work required of them in an appropriate manner and compatible with the general working environment of the establishment. ', the more it contributes to enabling them to fulfill their role successfully.
2. دقة المعلومات: هي توفير المعلومات الدقيقة من المديرين إلى الموظفيّن والعك originals ات في الربط بينهم ، وكلما كت المعلومات الواردة في وسائل الاتصالات kiddess المؤسسة من تنفيذ المهام المطلوبة Who are they.
3. Trust: It is an incentive that allows positive interaction between managers, employees and all workers in different work sectors within the organization. The mutual interest of each person in the success and development of the work reinforces mutual trust, then allows them to carry out their work in an appropriate environment.
4. Incentives: This is a set of moral and material means that the management of institutions wishes to provide to employees, so that they can succeed in their work and continue to work efficiently, which leads to encouraging them to take responsibility responsibility for their work. work and boost morale to continue developing the work.
The most important conditions for empowerment are:
1. Strengthen the role of work teams: This is one of the fundamental conditions for the success of empowerment, which depends on the integration of employees into the work environment, relying on strategies that help to form work teams, based on decision support. -an approach that depends on cooperation between team members, in order to allow them to make the right decisions.
2. Guidance: It is the role of managers to monitor employees by determining their powers, then allowing them to work there freely, but with the need for their adherence to the rules and functional system of the organization.
3. Administrative direction: This is the authority which gives employees a mandate to enable them to make a decision, taking care to control the extent of their capacity to make the right decision. When they fail to make a decision, administrative management. empowers employees by providing them with means and tools to support them.
I believe that in Sudan, we are in dire need of applying the foundations of employment empowerment in its sound scientific sense to advance the civil service and launch it to achieve the goals and objectives of sustainable development.
Teacher: Fikri Kabashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi.
May 18, 2024 AD.
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