Applying the concept of entrepreneurship in Sudan ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi

Entrepreneurship is an ancient, modern and renewed phenomenon that carries with it good meanings and symbols, as it is used to refer to creators and innovators in various fields. The roots of entrepreneurship go back to the theory of oligopoly which was influenced in its early days. by the sciences related to it, such as economics, psychology, sociology, history and computer science, which led to varied interpretations and multiple theories, as well as a lack of agreement on a specific concept. synonymous with the concepts of creativity and innovation. The concept of entrepreneurship was known in the sixties and seventies of the twentieth century, but the eighties and nineties saw a wide diffusion of this concept, which combined the profits resulting from various business operations on the one hand, and the idea of ​​progress at different levels on the other hand, through the innovation of new and modern working methods, during its development, was influenced by various schools of thought. contributed greatly to the explanation of entrepreneurial behavior, that is, entrepreneurship acquired different concepts with the differences in the administrative schools that treated it according to the orientations of each school. It varied between the meanings of profit making, change, creativity and innovation. , and forming one of the elements of production, until reaching the stage of covering all the elements of the production and development process that ensures the permanence and continuity of the establishments in the exercise of their activities since … Thanks to the continuous and continuous support of the competent agencies to ensure their contribution to supporting the economy, in addition to reducing the phenomenon of unemployment. Therefore, the entrepreneur is represented by the person who has the will and ability to transform a new idea, invention or successful innovation. is to create new ideas to provide distinguished services and products. Or a new, more efficient production method (art of production), based on the element of risk by developing an old product or proposing a new product or service. Risks include the possibility that users. will not accept the product or service in its new form, or lack of interest in the new product or service. This is what expands the concept of entrepreneurship to include the owner, initiator, successful entrepreneur, owner, risk taker. , and productive creator.

The word “Entrepreneurship” is originally a French word that refers to a person who initiates the creation of a business according to creative ideas and innovative methods based on risk and venture capital. As I mentioned, the entrepreneur is the person who is characterized by. the will and the ability to transform a new idea or a new invention. Towards a successful innovation based on the leadership strengths of different markets and industries to obtain new products and business models that contribute to industrial development and long-term economic growth.

Accordingly, the term entrepreneurship can be defined as: small and medium-sized enterprises that rely on initial and innovative ideas that have been incubated and helped to develop in the right direction according to specialized programs and plans that benefit from successful experiences and apply them in a balanced way that ensures the transformation of creative ideas and individual and collective creativity into giant projects.

It can also be defined as an activity focused on the creation of a new business project that brings increased economic efficiency, through efficient management of resources and with distinct qualifications to provide something new, or the creation of a new economic and administrative activity characterized by creativity and risk.

The same is true for entrepreneurship: adoption, which is the process of activating one or more new organizations or developing existing organizations, which specifically involves creating one or more new businesses or responding to new and general opportunities.

Entrepreneurship, in general, refers to the vitality and management of projects in an innovative way that ensures their survival and rapid development through a set of procedures focused on advanced principles that use calculated risk and venture capital to develop old fields of work, or create innovative fields of work that find distinct marketing and then establish themselves in the market by exploiting their products and services to make profits in order to expand their roots and prove their existence and ability to resist and compete in a short period of time.

Entrepreneurship, I believe, represents the solution to the problem of Sudan, that is why I suggest going there… and that the public solve their problems by themselves, that is, that people move towards entrepreneurship… a house Experts have begun to spread these ideas among intellectuals, and soon the idea will spread to government companies in the cement and textile industries, which will be transformed into public joint-stock companies and their shares will be offered to citizens inside and outside Sudan. Soon, politicians will adopt these ideas and encourage the trend towards production. Therefore, the solution is in the hands of businessmen, and not in the hands of current businessmen and those who have external relations that could hinder their movements… but this is the case. new businessmen who believe in national capitalism, and in the modern history of Sudan we have examples of outstanding businessmen such as Sheikh Mustafa Al-Amin, Khalil Othman, Ibrahim Talab Al-Daw Hahouj, Muhammad Ahmed Al-Salmabi and Bashir Al-Salmabi. …who paid attention to the application of the concept of responsibility very early.

Social responsibility, may God have mercy on them, through their participation in adopting the problems that trouble society, in establishing free service institutions that have continued to this day, such as hospitals, schools and homes for the elderly and the elderly, as they did not seek to create businesses that monopolize wealth and drain it, or rely only on agencies and imports … also from It is necessary to form a house of expertise, and university professors can be enlisted. Indeed, there are some colleges. -established universities that have the capacity and willingness to support this trend, which helps to unite businessmen who believe in the idea and calls for a trend towards production.

Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi, Al-Amin Al-Arabi.

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