Applying the concept of overall quality in the provision of health services to health facilities operating in Sudan ✍️ Professor: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

In recent years, healthcare institutions have faced numerous and diverse internal and external pressures, such as high costs of medical equipment and devices, lack of specialists and increasing demand for various types of healthcare services. modern. has been accompanied by a new and growing interest in meeting the needs and expectations of patients as customers, and increased competition between similar healthcare establishments in the private sector in particular, the spread of medical errors, the increasing percentage of legal complaints against hospitals due to medical malpractice and the increasing accountability to the public, the increased awareness of service users and their growing interest in quality, and the increasing demands to define and clarify responsibilities related to the use of public funds and identify those who can request in this area. In this regard, the weakness of coordination between departments, the absence of an effective administrative system and the absence of standards and explicit and objective standards for evaluating administrative and clinical performance, and all these increasing requirements have constituted impetus and impetus to formulate and develop a system by which the public and those interested in the health care industry can ensure that the health care system The health facility provides appropriate services to patients at an acceptable level of quality and that available funds and financial allocations are used efficiently and effectively.

Therefore, most healthcare establishments have taken the initiative to implement a qualitative or quality management program, in order to improve the quality of their performance and maintain the reputation of the administrative and clinical establishment in paying attention to the quality of care and health services provided. There is an implicit agreement between the health establishment and the beneficiaries. This agreement states that the hospital guarantees the highest level of health care for all patients at all times. The health establishment must do so within the limits of its availability. in accordance with its general objectives. One of the important elements and fundamental aspects of applying this principle is the adoption and use of an effective quality management program. There must therefore be a well-thought-out program to improve the level of service and care. Provided to patients through a process of objective and continuous evaluation of important aspects of the system of care while addressing and resolving problems and difficulties discovered, and although the senior management of any facility is primarily responsible for the quality and the determination of scientific methods and means. for its application, they are, by their position in the facility, responsible to customers, employees, suppliers and shareholders are responsible for the success of the facility they manage, but it is known that one of the Basic assumptions based on the application of quality programs lie in the idea that the implementation of this type of program is the responsibility of all workers and employees at all levels and not the task of the administration hospital or quality program coordinator only. It is therefore a question of encouraging employees at all levels in their different specializations. Training in the fundamentals and concepts of quality, such as simple statistical measurements, data analysis and presentation, will help hospital administration determine appropriate procedures to improve quality. The human resources department, in light of the concept of total quality. management, is interested in the creation of self-managed work teams. In organizations, to achieve continuous improvement through participation and cooperation among employees and to achieve organizational goals toward which management directs them.

Teacher: Fikri Kabbashi Al-Amin Al-Arabi

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