Arab Media Day: An opportunity to reflect and build a better future – something for the homeland – ✍️ Mr. Salah Ghariba

Arab Media Day offers us the opportunity to reflect on the role of the media and their great responsibilities in building a better future for the Arab world.

Media, as an influential communication tool, has the capacity to shape public opinion, raise awareness, support development and bring about positive change at different levels. But this requires us, as Arabs, to strengthen freedom of expression, adhere to professional practices and improve the quality of media content.

Freedom of expression is the foundation of a free and fair media, which allows individuals to express their opinions and ideas without fear or restriction. We must therefore work to create a safe media environment that encourages intellectual diversity and constructive dialogue, far from censorship. and restrictions.

Commitment to professional practices is essential to ensure media credibility and public respect. This involves verifying the accuracy of information, adhering to objectivity, diversity of points of view and staying away from bias and misleading speech. the quality of media content so that it meets the needs of Arab society and contributes to its development and progress, which includes supporting distinguished media production in various fields, promoting the culture of reading and research and youth involvement in the media industry.

Arab Media Day, on April 21 each year, is a golden opportunity to reconsider the role of the media and its responsibilities in building a better future for the Arab world. Let's all work to strengthen freedom of expression, respect for professional practices, and improve the quality of media content. In free and fair media with distinguished content, our path is to build a bright future for the Arab world. Together, we can build Arab media that contribute to the development of our societies, realizing everyone's aspirations. our people and raise the status of our Arab nation in the world.

In the age of digital technology, it has become more necessary than ever to focus on media literacy to enable individuals to learn critical thinking skills, verify the validity of information and communicate effectively on various media platforms, and because the Arab world is facing numerous crises and natural disasters, which… The media faces an enormous responsibility, which is to provide the public with accurate information and objective analysis, and to raise awareness society on how to manage these crises.

Arab media still faces many challenges, including government censorship, lack of financial independence, lack of funding and lack of professional skills.

Therefore, it cannot be said with certainty that the Arab media have fully fulfilled their professional role and duty. However, positive steps have been taken to strengthen freedom of expression, improve professional practices and improve the quality of media content.

Arab Media Day is an opportunity to reflect on the role and responsibilities of the media in building a better future for the Arab world. Let us all work to strengthen freedom of expression, professional practices and the quality of media content, so that Arab countries. the media plays a leadership role in development and change.

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