Arman and warm and refreshing legs!! – From the top of the podium – ✍️ Yasser Al-Fadni

Arman never entered a region without ruining its place and its people. Its political history is strewn with failures wherever damage occurs and wherever destruction occurs. Show me any achievements he has achieved in holding sovereign positions and (he entered with a zero and made a big result). zero)! Even his donation to a hospital in a town located in the locality of Al-Hasahisa has become a silent speech!! As Abu Al-Qasim Muhammad Ibrahim said in a speech during the reign of Al-Numairi

Arman now heads an organization, the Democratic Revolutionary Movement, after announcing a rift called Al-Bayda between him and Aqar. This is perhaps the first time I have heard of such a rupture in the history of Sudanese politics. Today the situation has changed between him and Aqar. Aqar. They are now in the opposite position. The question is: is this divide still white or has it changed color directly and quickly without going through the stage of political color (beige or brown)! In the world of color politics, it has emerged as a new political term.

The meeting held by the leadership of the Popular Movement, the Democratic Revolutionary Current, is the nickname given by Yasser Arman to his entity, which reminds me of the man who was asked? What is your name ? He said: Awad is Awad's agent, but they changed me (by Awa)! The meeting highlighted the need to reform the Forces of Freedom and Change and the coordination of Taqadum, which means that they have a major flaw. The meeting concluded with eight points of evaluation of the Taqadum conference in Addis Ababa, all of which were rated satisfactory. praise, except for the administrative and organizational errors that accompanied the conference and led to a poor geographical and political balance, which led to a reduction in the maximum benefit supposed to be obtained. Perhaps this point was numbered (6) and was discussed. , and this is what caused the conference to fail so that it was covered and altered inside the dish so that its impurity would not appear on the surface.

From my stand I look… where I see… that Arman is still in his deepest misery and still thinking about how to grab (the tent) to ruin it, so I wonder who will be the next kit on which one to jump on, break what's inside and turn the napkin over? !! It's the world of political assholes, gentlemen, so watch the scene!

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