Armed forces until victory or negotiation, and there is no third option! ✍️Bakri Al Madani

*This war is very large and its scope can be further expanded as long as there are some people's properties left and as long as there are deals that can be violated – this is the naked truth and the bitter truth!! *

*The mercenaries have no desire or interest in stopping the war, and loss will not deter them. Fighting is the profession of these groups, and pillaging and desecration are their culture, and losing for this is a form of courage!!*

*For this and for external and political reasons, this war could prolong and expand with the increase in violations and losses of mercenaries in their ranks!!*

*The solution available to Sudanese people around the world today is to bear arms to protect their lives, their honor and what remains of their property, in order to achieve one of two results: the first is to defeat completely the mercenaries, and the second is to subdue them and force them to resume negotiations where they left off in Jeddah.

*The option of global resistance and massive armament will be very costly due to the great differences between professionalism and cultural differences, but there are no other options. Even those who tried to surrender and coexist with the mercenaries betrayed them – they killed them. insulted their honor and plundered their property!!*

*The current war will only be resolved by global armed forces, and even those who cannot participate in the fight for whatever reason prevents the fight must participate with money and positions.

*Regular forces and movement forces are advanced factions in the popular resistance to mercenaries, the resistance is more global and the guardian of the resistance!*

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